Create/Update Waiver Hierarchy Rule Panel Options

Create/Update Waiver Hierarchy Rule Panel Options

In the Create/Update Waiver Hierarchy Rule panel, you can add or update a waiver hierarchy rule for use with expense special waivers or for use with NII distribution adjustments when you use waterfall waiver funds with a minimum yield. The following are the options in the Create/Update Waiver Hierarchy Rule panel.







Add/Update Special Waiver Hierarchy Rule



Add or Update Hierarchy Rule? 


Indicates whether you are adding a new waiver hierarchy rule or maintaining an existing waiver hierarchy rule. Options include:

  • Add. Allows you to add a waiver hierarchy rule and add rule criteria for that rule.

  • Update. Allows you to add a rule criteria entry for an existing waiver hierarchy rule. 

Special Waiver Hierarchy Rule


Specifies the name of the special waiver hierarchy rule you are adding. This field appears when you are adding a new waiver hierarchy rule.

Special Waiver Type


Identifies the type of special waiver that uses the special waiver hierarchy rule. Options include:

  • Assumption Fee. The waiver hierarchy rule applies to a special waivers for an assumption fee. You can only select a single expense to waive because the system hard codes the second waiver for the assumption fee.

  • Waterfall Waiver. The waiver hierarchy rule applies to special waivers for waterfall waivers. For waterfall waivers, you must set up a fund hierarchy rule as well as a class hierarchy rule.

  • Waterfall Waiver for NII. The waiver hierarchy rule applies to waterfall waiver funds when you use net investment income (NII) as your daily distribution method and define a minimum yield for a share class. When you process NII distributions, it allows waterfall waiver funds to calculate yield to minimum distribution adjustments that reflect the waterfall waiver process.

Special Waiver Hierarchy Rule


Specifies the name of the special waiver hierarchy rule you are updating. This field appears when you are updating an existing waiver hierarchy rule.

Rule Type


Indicates whether you are defining the special waiver hierarchy rule for fund or class level expenses. Options include: 

  • Fund. The system applies the special waiver hierarchy rule at the fund level. If you select Assumption Fee as the special waiver type, the system displays a Fund rule type and you cannot change it. 

  • Class. The system applies the special waiver hierarchy rule at the share class level.

Select Rule Criteria



Accounting Basis


Specifies the accounting basis. 

Effective Date


Specifies the effective date.

Waiver Hierarchy


Specifies the number that represents the hierarchy level to prioritize the expenses to waive. For example, assign a value of 1, 2, or 3 in a sequence to identify the expense and waiver rank within the fund and class hierarchy rules used for waterfall waivers. Here 1 identifies the first level for the system to waive during processing. The system posts the lowest number, that is, 1, first and then moves down the hierarchy.

Expense Name


Specifies the valid expense account for the expense to waive.

Expense RecPay Account


Displays the expense account number for the selected expense.

Expense RecPay Share Class


Displays the level, fund or share class, at which the system processes the receivable/payable event associated with the expense. 

Waiver Name


Specifies the name of the waiver account for the expense.

Waiver RecPay Amount


Displays the expense account number for the selected waiver account.

Waiver RecPay Share Class


Displays the level, fund or share class, at which the system processes the receivable/payable event associated with the waiver. 

Special Waiver Recoupment


Indicates whether to include the expense in the special waiver recoupment process. This option is not available if you set the Special Waiver Type to Waterfall Waiver for NII. Options include: 

  • Yes. Include the expense in the special waiver recoupment process.

  • No. Do not include the expense in the special waiver recoupment process.