Add or Change Entities in a Group Expense

Add or Change Entities in a Group Expense

In the Add Entity to Group Expense panel, you can add an entity/accounting basis to an existing group expense or can change expense information for an entity that is part of a group expense.

To add or change entities in a group expense:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > Expense > Group Expense > Add Entity to Group Expense.
    You see the Add Entity to Group Expense panel.

  2. Click the Select Type of Group Expense Change field, and indicate whether you are adding an entity to a group expense or changing expense information for an entity in a group expense.
    Options include:
    –  Add New Entity to a Group Expense. Allows you to associate an entity/accounting basis with a specified expense group and enter entity level expense information for that entity/basis.
    –  Change Existing Entity in a Group Expense. Allows you to update entity level expense information for a specified entity associated with one or more expense groups.

  3. Click the Entity ID or Entity Name field and select the name or ID of the entity for the group expense.
    You see the entity type of the selected entity in the Entity Type field, its share class in the Share Class field, its process center in the Process Center field, and its base currency in the Base Currency field.

  4. Click the Accounting Basis field and select the accounting basis of the entity.

  5. In the Expense Type list, select Fixed Group Expense or Variable Group Expense to identify the type of expense you are updating. 
    The options in the Expense Information area change, depending on your selection.

  6. In the remaining options on the panel, add or update the entity level fixed or variable group expense information for the selected entity.
    If you are adding a new entity to a group expense, you must identify the group expense and account, and enter date and NAV component information. For variable expenses, you can additionally identify a waiver account. If you are changing entity level information for a group expense, you can change that information after you identify an expense.

  7. Click Submit.