Edit a Group Expense

Edit a Group Expense

In the Edit Group Expense panel, you can update group level expense information for a group expense. You cannot use this panel to add or modify the entities associated with the group expense or change entity level expense information.

To edit a group expense:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > Expense > Group Expense > Edit Group Expense.
    You see the Edit Group Expense panel.

  2. Enter the Group ID or Group Name field value to identify the expense group that you want to change.
    After you select an expense group, you see a value of EXPG in the Entity Type field.

  3. Click the Group Expense Type field, and select Fixed Group Expense or Variable Group Expense to identify the type of expense you are changing.

  4. Click the Expense Account Name field and select the account for the expense you are changing.

  5. In the remaining options on the panel, change the fixed or variable group expense information.

  6. You can update additional group expenses using the pane that appears on the bottom of the panel, as follows:
    –  Click the lower pane.
    –  Right-click and select Add Rows.
    –  Enter the number of rows you want to add in the Enter Rows Count dialog box and click OK. You need to add a row for each additional expense you want to change.
    –  Complete the fields on each row you added.

  7. Click Submit.