Create Business Calendars
In the Create Business Calendar panel, you can add a business date calendar or a settlement date calendar manually.
To create a business calendar:
In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > Calendars > Business Calendars > Create Business Calendar.
You see the Create Business Calendar panel.In the Select Calendar to Create field, select the type of calendar you are creating.
Options include:
– Settlement Date. Adds a settlement calendar, which is used to define settlements.
– Business Date. Adds a business calendar, which is used to define business days and non-business days.In the Calendar Name field, specify the name of the calendar.
This field appears if you are adding a business calendar rather than a settlement calendar.In the Calendar Description field, provide a description of the calendar.
In the Calendar Country field, specify the country for which you are creating a calendar.
In the Starting Year field, specify the first year of the calendar.
The first calendar day of the year marks the beginning date of the calendar. The format is YYYY.In the Years to Generate field, specify the number of calendar years you want to generate.
You can add up to five years from the starting year.
NOTE: You should only generate a calendar for years in which you intend to populate the non-business days.Click Submit.