Associate a Business Calendar with an Entity
You can associate a business calendar with a basic entity or master fund entity in Eagle Accounting. By associating a business calendar with an entity, the system determines which days are valid business days and processes activity for non-business days. The entity elections must match the business calendar elections.
If you assign a business calendar to an entity, the system creates accounting periods for business days only. If you do not assign a business calendar, the system creates accounting periods for every day of the year. When you associate a business calendar with an entity, the value you enter for the Calendar Name field must match the value you enter for the Country of Tax Code and Earn Thru Rule Name fields. For example, if you enter CA (Canada) for the Country of Tax Code field, you must also enter CA for Calendar Name and Earn Thru Rule Name fields.
To associate a business calendar with an entity:
From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
Enter the panel name to add or change a basic accounting entity or master fund in the Start Search text box.
For example, specify the Create/Edit Entity panel or the Create Master Fund panel. These panels are available in Portfolio Data Center and in Accounting Center.Click the link to access the panel.
You see the panel.Select the entity with which you want to associate a business calendar.
In the Calendar Name field, specify the calendar to associate with this entity.
The Calendar Name identifies the name of the entity's business calendar, which is used to define a specific country's non-business days for accounting purposes.In the Non-Business Day Processing field, specify how the system processes accrued interest on bonds or other fixed income securities on non-business days. Options include:
- Process with Previous Business Day. The system posts non-business day accruals to the previous business day's accounting date. For example, accrued interest for Saturday and Sunday is posted on Friday.
- Process with Next Business Day. The system posts non-business day accruals to the next business day's accounting date. For example, accrued interest for Saturday and Sunday is posted on Monday.In the Earn Thru Rule Name field, specify the name of the earn thru rule for the business calendar.
The earn thru rule determines how the system processes accrued interest when a series of non-business days fall on a month end, quarter end, semiannual, or year end date.Click Submit.