Create an Issuer Translation
You can create an issuer name translation to map a set of issuer names to a common, static issuer name, as well as identify an issuer as a federal agency.
To create an issuer name translation:
In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Insurance > Configuration > Translations > Create Issuer Translation.
You see the Create Issuer Translation panel.Complete the options on the panel, entering the Issuer Name, Issuer Name Translation, and the Federal Agency (Yes/No) fields.
Click Submit to create the translation.
The following table lists the code values and Summary Investment Schedule (SIS) line number assignments for the issuer name translations.
Issuer Name Translation | Code Value | SIS Line Number |
Army and Air Force Exchange Services | AAFES | Line 1.21 |
Commodity Credit Corporation | CCC | Line 1.21 |
Export-Import Bank of the United States | EXIM | Line 1.21 |
Farmers Home Administration | FmHA |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation | FDIC | Line 1.21 |
Federal Housing Administration | FHA | Line 1.21 |
General Services Administration | GSA |
Government National Mortgage Association | GNMA | Line 1.21 |
National Credit Union Administration | NCUA | Line 1.21 |
Overseas Private Investment Corp | OPIC |
Small Business Administration | SBA | Line 1.21 |
US Agency for International Development | USAID |
US Department of Agriculture | USDA |
US Department of Health and Human Services | USHHS |
US Department of Housing and Urban Development | USHUD |
US Department of the Treasury | UST |
US Department of Veterans Affairs | USVA |
US International Development Finance Corp | USIDFC |
US Maritime Administration | USMA |
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority | WMTA |
Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation | FAMC |
Federal Farm Credit Banks | FFBC |
Federal Financing Bank | FFB |
Federal Home Loan Banks | FHLB |
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp | FHLMC |
Federal National Mortgage Association | FNMA |
Financing Corporation | FICO |
Resolution Funding Corporation | RFCorp |
Tennessee Valley Authority | TVA |