Process Miscellaneous Income Expense – Lot Specific

The Miscellaneous Income/Expense – Lot Specific panel is required for processing Miscellaneous Income or Expense adjustments to Eagle STAR for the STAT accounting basis.

To post miscellaneous income/expenses – lot specific:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Transactions >Cash > Misc. Income & Expense > Add Income/Expense – Lot Specific.
    You see the Add Misc. Income/Expense – Lot Specific panel. 

    Add Misc Income Expense Lot Specific panel panel panel
  2. Complete the options on the panel for the specific Entity ID, Xref Security ID, Income Date/Accounting Date, the Event Type (MISCINC or MISCEXP), Currency Code, Local Net Amount, and Payment Date to post as a miscellaneous income/expense.
    The Open Event ID is required to link the adjustment to a specific lot, to ensure that position Schedules D1, DA1, D21, D22 and activity Schedules D4, D5 are accurate.

  3. Click Submit to post the income or expense.