Uses of Issuer Name Translations

Uses of Issuer Name Translations

The issuer name mapping is required to better identify issuers. The Issuer assigned to a security is integral to some classifications on the investment schedules, and Issuer Names may vary across installations. In some cases, the placement of securities on schedules, for example the Summary Investment Schedule, is determined by the Issuer assigned to the security, among other characteristics. By mapping potentially disparate Issuer Names to a single code value, the Insurance Refresh logic has a means of logically identifying all possible Issuer Names that qualify as a specific value. For example, Issuer Names of "Freddie Mac", "Freddie Mac Discount" and "FHLMC" can all be mapped to the Issuer Name Translation of Freddie Mac – Code Value FHLMC. During the assignment of securities on the Summary Investment Schedule, each of the Issuer Names listed above would qualify as a FHLMC issued security, and map to the appropriate line on the schedule.

In addition to the translations, an Issuer can be identified as a Federal Agency. The NAIC requires that the State column on the vendor extract files populate with the text "US" for Special Revenue securities that are issued by a federal agency. The Federal Agency flag, assigned as part of the translation, is used during the ISTAR Refresh process to correctly populate the State column with "US" for all Special Revenue securities where the security's issuer has been identified as a Federal Agency.