Add Ledger Granularity Rule Details

Add Ledger Granularity Rule Details

In the Add Ledger Granularity Rule Detail panel, you can add ledger granularity rule details for holding term granularity and/or for custom granularity.

Holding term granularity rules allow you to break out core ledger accounts by long term, short term, or cash equivalent holding terms. They allow you to select the core ledger account you want mapped to a corresponding short term and cash equivalent core ledger account.

Custom granularity rules include core account to custom account mappings to use in ledger reports. You can define custom granularity rules based on a security grouping or on a PST rule. If you define rule details based on a PST rule that uses one or two security attributes along with a processing security type, you identify the security attribute values to which the rule applies.

To add ledger granularity rule details:

  1. Do one of the following: 
    - In Portfolio Data Center, in the left navigation pane, click Portfolio Desk Accounting Portfolio Rules > Ledger GranularityAdd Ledger Granularity Rule Detail.
    - In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup Portfolio Rules > Ledger Granularity Add Ledger Granularity Rule Detail.
    You see the Add Ledger Granularity Rule Detail panel.

  2. Complete the options in the Add Ledger Granularity Rule Detail panel.

  3. Click Submit.
    The granularity rule detail you create has an effective date on the current day. Processing for the details can occur on or after this date, so long as processing also occurs after the Ledger Granularity Rule Effective Date (tag 155) defined for the ledger granularity rule at the entity/accounting basis level.