Set Up Entities for Ledger Granularity

Set Up Entities for Ledger Granularity

After you add ledger granularity rules, you can assign ledger granularity rules to entities, master funds, and accounting bases, and specify when those rules go into effect for transaction processing. You can assign the same ledger granularity rule to multiple entity/bases that require the same level of granularity in ledger reports.

To set up entities for use with ledger granularity:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

  2. Enter the panel name to add or change a basic accounting entity, master fund, or accounting basis in the Start Search text box.
    You can specify accounting basis level options related to ledger granularity using the Create/Edit Entity panel, Create Master Fund panel, Edit Master Fund/Sector panel, Add Basis to a Portfolio panel, and Edit a Basis on a Portfolio panel. These panels are available in Portfolio Data Center and in Accounting Center. 

  3. Click the link to access the panel.

  4. In the Ledger Granularity Rule Name field, specify the name of the ledger granularity rule associated with the entity/accounting basis.
     After you select a value, the Ledger Granularity Rule field displays the instance number of the selected ledger granularity rule.

  5. In the Ledger Granularity Rule Effective Date field, specify the first date on which transaction and ledger processing can use the ledger granularity rule selected for the entity/accounting basis.

  6. In the Holding Term Method field, indicate whether the entity/accounting basis calculates the holding term for short term versus cash equivalent holdings at 90 days or at 3 months.
    If you use ledger granularity rules to customize your core ledger posting for a breakout by holding term, this field determines how Eagle Accounting calculates that holding term for the entity/basis. Options include:
    –  90 Days. When you use the system to calculate the holding term, it designates lots bought within 90 days to maturity as cash equivalent (CE) and designates lots bought within one year to maturity, taking leap years into account, as short term (ST).
    –  3 Months. Default. When you use the system to calculate the holding term, it designates lots bought within three months to maturity as cash equivalent (CE) and designates lots bought within one year to maturity, taking leap years into account, as short term (ST).

  7. Complete the remaining fields on the panel.

  8. Save your changes.