Manage Capital Income Ledger Breakout

Manage Capital Income Ledger Breakout

The Eagle STAR Capital Income Ledger Breakout enables you to choose which payable or receivable ledger accounts are designated as containing balances from a capital-based activity and which ledger accounts are designated as containing balances from an income-based activity. You can set this up by creating rules that assign the mark to market (MTM) offset and the trade date to settlement date gain/loss offset for cash settlements to either capital or income account categories. The categorization of the ledger accounts helps in processing both mark to market unrealized F/X gain/loss, and the realization of F/X gain/loss when payables and receivables are settled. For example, if the system establishes a ledger account as capital, mark to market or trade date to settlement date F/X gain/loss posts to a capital account. If the system designates a ledger account as income, mark to market or trade date to settlement date F/X gain/loss posts to an income account.

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