List Security Group Rule Details

List Security Group Rule Details

In the List/Change/Delete Ledger Granularity Rule Details panel, you can list ledger granularity rule details for custom granularity rules based on a security grouping.

To list security rule details:

  1. Do one of the following: 
    - In Portfolio Data Center, in the left navigation pane, click Portfolio Desk Accounting Portfolio Rules > Ledger GranularityList/Change/Delete Ledger Granularity Rule Details.
    - In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup Portfolio Rules > Ledger Granularity List/Change/Delete Ledger Granularity Rule Details.
    You see the List/Change/Delete Ledger Granularity Rule Details panel.

  2. In the Transaction Type field, select List Security Rule Detail.

  3. In the Ledger Granularity Rule Name field, select the name of the ledger granularity rule with details you want to view.

  4. Click Submit.