Calculate a NAV

Calculate a NAV

In the Calculate NAV panel, you can calculate a NAV for a specified entity and date. If you do not use intraday NAV calculations, you can calculate only one NAV per day. When you use intraday NAV processing, you can calculate NAVs for an intraday NAV period. The NAV calculation process allows you to calculate and store a NAV for each intraday sequence based on a set ledger account range.

The Calculate NAV process also allows you to calculate Weighted Average Maturity (WAM) and Weighted Average Life (WAL) values for a master fund. For more information, see Understand WAM/WAL Calculation for NASDAQ Reporting.

To calculate a NAV:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Fund Accounting Valuation NAV > Calculate NAV.
    You see the Calculate NAV panel.

  2. Under Entity Information, in the Entity ID or Entity Name fields, select the identifier or name of the entity for which you want to calculate the NAV.
    If you selected an entity that uses intraday NAV processing. the NAV Processing Rule field displays the name of the entity’s intraday NAV processing rule.

  3. If you selected an entity that uses intraday NAV processing, in the NAV Sequence Name field, select the name of the NAV sequence to process.
    The Nav Sequence Number field displays the numeric sequence associated with the Nav Sequence Name you selected.

  4. Under Function Information, if valuation periods are closed and you want to use simplified processing, set Valuation Close NAV Calculation to Yes.

  5. Under Accounting Period, select the processing date in the Start Date field.

  6. Click Submit.
    You see information about the processing results in the Show All tab. For the processing event, you can click CloseActivity to view information about the results, or can click Work to view information about the loopback event.

Calculate NAV Panel Options

The following are the options in the Calculate NAV panel.







Entity Information



Entity ID


Specifies the unique identifier of the entity.

Entity Name


Specifies the name of the entity.

Nav Processing Rule


Displays the entity’s intraday NAV processing rule. This field appears if the selected entity uses intraday NAV processing,

Nav Sequence Name


Identifies the intraday NAV unique sequence name for the NAV period associated with the intraday NAV processing rule. For example, NAV1, NAV2, NAV3, NAV4.

Nav Sequence Number


Identifies a numeric identifier for the intraday NAV sequence for the NAV period for the intraday NAV processing rule. Options include 1 to 5.

For example, if you have a rule with three intraday NAV periods with a sequence of 1, 2, and 3, the system uses the sequence to determine the order in which you can run intraday NAV calculations.

Function Information



Valuation Close NAV Calculation


Indicates whether to simplify the calculation process by reading the ledger balance data directly from the database after valuation periods are closed, thereby excluding specific engine-based processes to optimize the performance of the NAV calculation. You can only use this process to calculate a NAV after valuation periods are closed. Options include:

  • Yes. Calculates the NAV after valuation periods are closed using a simplified process.

  • No. Does not calculate the NAV using a simplified process. You can select this option because valuation periods are not closed or because you do not want to use the simplified process.

Accounting Period



Start Date


Specifies the NAV calculation date.