Manage Class Allocations for Intraday NAV Sequences

Manage Class Allocations for Intraday NAV Sequences


When you use intraday NAV processing, class allocation processing allows you to calculate class allocations for each intraday sequence processed throughout the day. As a general rule, the class allocation process always trues up ledger entries to the most recent allocation rate. However, the class allocation process for intraday NAV processing funds allows for a final allocation rate to be stored and used for each intraday NAV sequence for the set ledger account range.

Post Class Allocation Entries with Intraday NAV Processing

In the Post Class Allocation Entries panel, in addition to specifying the entity and effective date to process, you can identify the NAV sequence to process for entities that use intraday NAV processing. For more information, see Post Class Allocation Entries.

The class allocation process processes a unique class allocation for each NAV sequence. Each NAV sequence has its own calculated allocation rates based on the ledger account range and allocation method used in the class allocation rule for the associated sequence. You can run Class Allocations multiple times for a NAV sequence, but you cannot run the class allocation NAV sequences out of order.

For example, if you just calculated NAV sequence 1 Class Allocations and additional activity was received and class allocations must be re-run, then the process allows this scenario. However if you run class allocations for sequence 1 and 2, and then try to run class allocations again for sequence 1, a workflow manager error is generated, indicating class allocations cannot be run out of order. Additionally if you just finished executing class allocations for sequence 2 and try to run class allocations for sequence 4, a workflow manager error is generated, indicating class allocations cannot be run out of order.

About Class Allocation Ratio Calculation with Intraday NAV Processing

The class allocation ratio calculation remains unchanged when you use intraday NAV processing. However, the system differs in how it retrieves the ledger data for the calculation of class allocations.

When triggering class allocations for an intraday NAV election fund, the class allocation process first receives the total fund ledger balance for each ledger account in the class allocation rule. Then the process retrieves the total balance for the ledger accounts already allocated. Next the process subtracts the total fund balance minus the balance already allocated and uses this new balance to allocate down to all the active share classes.

A detailed example using one ledger account in an intraday class allocation rule follows:

  • Total fund ledger balance for realized gain is $1,000.00.

  • Previous NAV sequences class allocated ledger balances for realized gain is $900. $500 for Sequence 1, and $400 for Sequence 2.

  • Sequence 3 total fund balance for realized gain to be allocated is $100.00 (1,000.00-500.00-400.00).

View Class Allocation Ratios by NAV Sequence

In the List Posted Class Rate & Activity panel, when you use intraday NAV processing, you can view the class allocation ratios by NAV sequence or for all NAV sequences. For more information, see List Posted Class Rate & Activity.