Process Intraday NAV Calculations

Process Intraday NAV Calculations

When you use intraday NAV processing, you can calculate NAVs for an intraday NAV period.

The NAV calculation process allows you to calculate and store a NAV for each intraday sequence based on a set ledger account range. Otherwise, if you do not use intraday NAV calculations, only one NAV per day can be calculated. For information about using the Calculate NAV panel to calculate an intraday NAV, see Calculate a NAV.

When the system calculates NAVs for an intraday NAV period, the ledger account range used for each NAV calculation sequence is based on the class allocation rule set up for each sequence. As with class allocations, you can rerun the intraday NAV sequence for a NAV sequence, but you cannot run it out of order.

When intraday NAV calculations are executed, the accounting period sequence column in the ESTAR_LEDGER_POST table is updated to reflect the correct NAV sequence processed. Each intraday NAV calculation is stored on the ESTAR_INTRADAY_NAV table. Each time the NAV is calculated, the system updates the ESTAR_NAV table with the last calculated NAV, but the ESTAR_NAV table historically reflects the last calculated NAV for a business day.

You can review the ledger account activity, NAV impact per share, and basis point impact of each ledger account posting by utilizing the Intraday NAV Reconciliation and Ledger Activity report. You can also review each intraday NAV sequence calculated by utilizing the Intraday NAV history report.