Enable and Disable Services

You can enable or disable several services that are not deployed during the installation of the Eagle product suite. 

To enable or disable services that are not deployed during the Eagle install:

  1. In System Management Center, click System Settings in the left navigation and then click Enable/Disable Services.
    You see the Enable/Disable Services workspace.

  2. Click the Web Servers drop down and select a server. Click Next.

    Enable_Disable Services wizard - Web Servers tab
  3. Under Services, click to select the appropriate service. Click Next.

    Enable_Disable Services wizard - Services tab
  4. In the Parameters dialog box, click Next. This step is currently not being used.

  5. To complete the enable/disable process, click Next. To change your selections, click Back.

  6. Click OK to enable or disable the selected service.

  7. Review the messages in the Status dialog box and click Finish.

  8. In the Services workspace, click the Refresh button and select Refresh Tree Cache. Click OK in the Information dialog box.
    This will ensure that the cache is updated immediately.

  9. Click the Refresh button again and select Refresh View. 
    You see the new service in the environment as shown in the Tier view diagram. The default status of the service is Red (stopped).

  10. To start the newly added service, switch to the Grid view, locate the service, right click and select Start.