Manage Engine Profiles

Manage Engine Profiles

You can create profiles (templates) for Eagle Accounting engines and services to minimize the time and effort of configuring engines after a failover. Eagle offers profiles in the following categories: small, medium, and large, based on the volume of trades being processed. Each profile contains parameters that are common to all Accounting engines in the small, medium, or large category.

To manage engine profiles:

  1. In System Management Center, click System Settings in the left navigation and then click Profiles.
    You see the Engine Profiles workspace.

  2. To display profile details, right click the profile and select Show Details.

    Engine Profiles - Show Details
  3. Review the parameters and click the X in the Engine Profile Details bottom tab to return to the Engine Profiles workspace.

  4. To edit an existing profile, right click a profile and select Edit.

  5. In the General dialog box, make the appropriate changes and click Next.

    Edit Profile - General tab
  6. In the Engines dialog box, make the appropriate changes and click Save & Close.

    Edit Profile - Engines tab
  7. To add a new profile, right click anywhere in the workspace and select New.

  8. In the General dialog box, complete the appropriate fields and click Next.

    New Profile wizard - General tab
  9. In the Engines dialog box, select the appropriate engines and click Save & Close.

    New Profile wizard - Engines tab
  10. To delete a profile, right click the profile and select Delete.

  11. To close the workspace, click the X in the Profiles bottom tab.

To manage service profiles:

  1. In the Profiles workspace, click the Service Profiles tab.

  2. To display service profile properties, right click the profile and select Show Properties.
    You see the properties associated with the selected service.

  3. Right click a service profile and click Edit to modify or Delete to remove the profile. 

  4. To close the workspace, click the X in the Profiles bottom tab.