Manage Email Settings

Manage Email Settings

You can subscribe to several Eagle provided notification groups to receive email alerts about specific areas of the system.

To manage email settings:

  1. In System Management Center, click System Settings in the left navigation and then click Email Settings.
    You see the Email Settings workspace with the General dialog box as the default.

  2. Click the User Name drop down and select the appropriate user.
    You see the corresponding email address and the notification groups to which this user is subscribed.

    General Email Settings screen
  3. Right click and select Subscribe to subscribe to another group.
    You see the Subscribe dialog box.

    Subscribe dialog box
  4. Click to select a group and OK.

  5. To remove a group, in the General dialog box, click the group name and click Unsubscribe.

  6. Click the Advanced tab, right click to select a group, and select Edit to edit the notification group's properties.

  7. In the Edit dialog box, make the appropriate changes, click Verify to check the credentials, and click Save.

  8. To close the workspace, click the X in the Email Settings bottom tab.