Monitor the System Health

Monitor the System Health

You can subscribe to receive email notifications when there is an unexpected change in the state of certain processes. This feature works in conjunction with the Email Settings functionality. For example, if your username is part of the SENDLOGS email notification group, you can subscribe to receive emails when the Message Center or EJM processes are unexpectedly started, stopped, or restarted.

To monitor the status of system processes:

  1. In System Management Center, click System Settings in the left navigation and then click System Health Monitor.
    You see the System Health Monitor workspace.

    Process Status Monitor screen
  2. To edit an existing monitoring service, right click a service and select Edit.

    Process Status Monitor - Edit
  3. Adjust the Installation and Service Type parameters for system monitoring.

    Edit Process State 10


    Edit Process State 10 Message Center field
  4. Review the process parameters for which notifications will be sent. Click Save.

    Edit Process State 10 - Send Notifications
  5. To add a new status monitor, right click anywhere and click New.

    Process Status Monitor - New
  6. Select a monitoring service for new processes by selecting the environment, service type, and parameters for which notifications will be sent. Click Save.

    New Process State screen
  7. To monitor KPI attributes, select the KPI Attributes Monitor tab.

    KPI Attribute Monitor tab
  8. To edit an existing monitoring service, right click a row and click Edit.

  9. Select the appropriate the environment and service type for monitoring.

    Edit Measure Threshold 10 screen
  10. Select the Measure Type and adjust the Warning Value and Critical Value. Click Save.
    The Measure Type drop down allows you to select a system parameter for monitoring. You can adjust the Warning Value and Critical Value to specify the bounds at which a notification will be sent. The Warning Value specifies a value close to the critical threshold and the Critical Value specifies a value which exceeds this threshold.

    Edit Measure Threshold 10 box
  11. To add a new KPI Attributes monitor, right click anywhere and click New.

  12. Select the installation, service type, measure type, and threshold parameters for which notifications will be sent. Click Save.

  13. To monitor core dumps, select the Core Dumps Monitor tab. To edit existing services, right click on a selection and click Edit.

    Core Dumps Monitor tab
  14. Select a storage directory for the core dump, the backup storage threshold for the directory, and the check rate preferences for the core dump files. Click Save.
    The Backups Max Days to Store value describes the amount of days this stack will be stored in the storage directory. The Check Rate value is a period of time for checking for new core dump files in directories.

  15. To monitor the Oracle Clusters, select the Oracle Cluster Monitor tab. To edit the existing services, right click a selection and click Edit.

    Oracle Cluster Monitor tab
  16. Adjust the values for the check periods, if needed. Click Save.

  17. To monitor the event logs, select the Event Log Monitor tab. To create a new monitoring service, right click anywhere and click New.

    Event Log Monitor tab
  18. Specify the installation environment, log name, and check period interval for the event log alerts selected. Click Save.

    New Event Log screen
  19. To monitor the error logs, select the Logs Error Monitor tab. To create a new monitoring service, right click anywhere and select New.

  20. Specify the installation environment and enter the text to be found in the error log records. Click Save.
    You can receive notifications (if subscribed) when a specific text pattern is found in the error records. In this example, you can get an email if the word "testing" is found in the error logs.

  21. To close the workspace, click the X in the System Health Monitor bottom tab.