Hedge Ratio Report

Hedge Ratio Report

The Hedge Ratio report calculates the hedge ratio for each share class within an entity that elects share class hedging. It allows you to verify currency hedge ratios. You can run the report by each hedge share class or at the fund level. For more information, see Report on Share Class Hedging.

To create the Hedge Ratio report:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Reports Fund Accounting Reports > Mutual Fund - Capital Stock > Hedge Ratio Report.
    You see the Hedge Ratio Report panel.

  2. Complete the options on the Hedge Ratio Report panel.

  3. Under Result Options, click Grid or Advanced Report for the report view you want.

  4. Click Submit.
    The report appears on your desktop for the view selected.

Hedge Ratio Report Panel Options

A definition of the options on the Hedge Ratio Report panel follows.





Search Criteria


Entity ID

Specifies a portfolio, sector portfolio, composite portfolio, or Master Fund by the entity ID of the entity.

Entity Name

Specifies a portfolio, sector portfolio, composite portfolio, or Master Fund by name of the entity.

Accounting Basis

Displays the entity accounting basis. For example, USTAX, GAAP, or IFRS.

Valuation Date

Specifies the valuation date for your report results.

Share Class

Allows you to filter results by share class.

Capital Stock Adjustment

Specifies an amount for capital stock adjustments. If you specify a value, the report compares the hedge class adjusted net assets to the calculated forward currency contract market value. You can specify an amount if you specify a share class rather than run the report at the fund level.

This option allows you to see how non base capital stock impacts the hedge ratio. Funds may have a limit on exposures that the hedge share class can have.

Selection Criteria


Advanced Report Options

Allows you to show or hide advanced report detail tab selection, group, sort, and format options. The default is No.

Share Class Hedge Source

Determines whether the report should use the sector exclusion rules or multicurrency rules to establish the hedge share classes. Options include:

  • Sector. The report uses the legacy code and sector exclusion rules to determine the hedge share classes.

  • Class. Default. The report uses the multicurrency NAV rule to determine the hedge share classes.

Advanced Report Options Detail Tab Selection


Hedge Ratio

Determines whether the report calculates the hedge ratio “on the fly” as part of the report query. The default is No.

Report Groups

You can group the report results. Options include:

  • Entity ID (Group 1 Default)

  • Share Class (Group 2 Default)

  • Fund Base Currency

  • Share Class Currency

  • Sector ID

Report Sorts

You can sort the report results. Options include:

  • Entity ID

  • Share Class

  • Fund Base Currency

  • Share Class Currency

  • Sector ID (Sort 1 Default)


Determines where to add shading to the report. Options include:

  • None

  • Every Other Line. Default.

  • Every Three Lines

  • Every Five Lines

Include/Exclude Totals

Determines whether to include or exclude totals in the report. The default is Include.