Manage Data

Multiple users can access the Data Mart simultaneously.

Refresh Data

To refresh data:

  • Click the Refresh link to view the most current data on the View Mart Data window.

Explode Data for All Groups

To view data for all group levels in a group level table:

  1. Click the Explode link in the Model Group Details section of the View Mart Data window.
    You see the Explode dialog box.

  2. Use the Explode Level dropdown list to select the group level for which you want to view all data, and click OK.
    All groups at the selected level are exploded in the Model Group Details section of the View Mart Data window.

Export Data

You can export data at the fund level, group level, or detail level to a comma separated value (CSV) or tab separated value (TSV) file.

To export the data:

  1. Click the Export link at the model, fund, or group level to export data from the Data Mart to a file.
    You see the Save As dialog box.

  2. Navigate to the location in which you want to save the file.

  3. Enter a file name, and click Save.
    You can use the dropdown list to select the file type, or accept the default type of CSV. The file is saved to the selected location.

Print Data

To print data from the Data Mart:

  1. Click the Print link at the model, fund, or group level.
    You see the Print dialog box.

  2. Select the print options and click OK to print the data.