View Data

You can view the Data Mart from the Manage Mart or Execution Log window.

To view data:

  1. Click the View Mart Data icon in the left panel of the Manage Mart or Execution Log window.

  2. From the View Mart Data window, select a model from the Data Mart Model dropdown.

  3. Under Fund (Entity), click Browse and select the fund needed.You may view data for only one fund at a time.

  4. Select the effective date from the Date dropdown.

  5. If your data did not come from the default snapshot, select the snapshot from the Snapshot dropdown.

  6. Select a base currency from the Currency dropdown (if data was populated for more than one currency).

  7. Click Submit.
    You see the Data Mart populates the window with available data, if any, for the selected options as shown in the following figure.

    View Mart Data Window with Data


  • Fund level data is shown in the Fund Summary section of the View Mart Data window.

  • Group level data is shown in the Model Group Details section of the window.

  • For a Group model, you can see the group, fund, and detail level data for any detail that you chose to map in the model.

  • To see detail level data for a group, click the letter icon in the Details column in the Model Group Details section of the window. Options depend upon the types of detail data you mapped to the group model, and may include:

    • T. Displays Transaction Details table data.

    • P. Displays Position Details table data.

    • PF. Displays Performance Details table data.

    • C. Displays Cash Flow Details table data.

    • L. Displays Lot Level Position Details table data.

    • LD. Displays Ledger Details table data.

  • Security Details table data always appears with the detail level data.

  • To collapse the view of any entry in the Details column, click the Query Results tab above the group level detail.

  • To view Mart data that is populated in an alternate base currency, select a model that has data populated in an alternate currency. The Currency dropdown list becomes enabled; select the alternate currency you want to view. When you click Submit, you can see alternate currency data for your selected table and for Fund Summary (if it was also populated for that currency).

  • You can also view data for a detail level table by choosing that table's model in the Model dropdown list. All detail data is displayed in the panel below the Fund Summary section.