Configure the Data on the View Mart Data Window

Configure the Data on the View Mart Data Window

You can choose the model fields you want to display in the Fund Summary and Model Group Details sections of the View Mart Data window.

To configure the data:

  1. Click the Configure link in the specified section of the window.
    You see the Configure Columns dialog box.
    The list of available fields for the selected model is shown under Available Columns. The list of data fields that you currently see is shown under Selected Columns.

  2. To add new fields to the window, select a column name in the Available Columns section and click the double-right arrow to move it to Selected Columns section.
    Or, double-click the column name in the Available Columns section. To select more than one field, hold the Shift key and click each column and then click the double right arrow. The data columns are moved to the Selected Columns section.

  3. To remove fields from the window, select a column name in the Selected Columns section and click the double-left arrow.
    Or, double-click the column name in the Selected Columns section. To select more than one column, hold the Shift key and click each column and then click the double-left arrow. The data columns are moved to the Available Columns section.

  4. To change the order of the fields displayed in the window, select a column name in the Selected Columns section and click the up or down arrow.

  5. Click OK to save the view options.
    The View Mart Data window displays the data you selected in the order you selected.