Manage View Mart Data Window

If you build reports that source from Data Mart tables, you may find it helpful to be able to browse the contents of those tables.

To view data in the Data Mart:

  1. Click the View Mart Data icon in the left panel of the Manage Mart or Execution Log window.
    You see the View Mart Data window.

  2. Select which data to view then click Submit to populate the window with that data.
    An example of a populated View Mart Data window is shown in the following figure.

    View Mart Data Window with Data

For data populated in the Data Mart, the View Data Mart window allows you to view data, refresh data changes made by other users, explode group levels, export, and print. You can also configure the data columns viewed in the window. The following table provides the description of each option on the View Mart Data window.





Refresh Link

Updates the View Mart Data window. See Refresh Data for details.

Query Expert Link

Creates and allows you to copy SQL code that will select data from the Data Mart. You can then paste the copied SQL code into a third-party reporting tool and modify it further, if necessary. See Build Query for the Mart Data for details.

Manage Status Link

Allows you to control whether to protect data in the Data Mart from being accidentally overwritten. See Manage Mart Data Status for details.

Export Link

Exports data at the fund level, group level, or detail level to a comma-separated value (CSV) or tab-separated value (TSV) file. See Exporting Data for details.

Print Link

Prints data from the View Mart Data window. See Printing Data for details.

Server Logs Link

Displays the PACE Application Server Logs, which provide information about the Application Server on which Data Mart processes are executed.

Manage Mart Icon

Displays the Manage Mart window, which displays a list of Mart models. It also provides options for managing Mart models, configuring the Data Mart environment, and running diagnostics.

Execution Log Icon

Displays the Execution window, which allows you to view Execution Logs for all Data Mart processes.