About Package Content Migration

About Package Content Migration

Migration Options

When an Eagle environment is upgraded, a silent migration runs with Duplicate Handling set to Use the existing item in the destination for all components. This does not update any existing data strategies, validations, field groups, or other components; it only adds new content.

To apply package content changes, you must import it using Migration Wizard as described in Manual Package Content Migration. Migration Wizard supports the migration of Reference Data Center data strategies and their underlying metadata components. Migration Wizard automatically detects and includes all the underlying metadata with a migrated data strategy. All of the underlying components are migrated based on Duplicate Handling rules. There are two types of basic rules for each component:

  1. Use the existing item in the destination: only new components (no existing components are changed)

  2. Overwrite the existing item in the destination: new components are added and all existing components are updated to their latest versions

An additional rule, Reconcile with existing item in the destination, is available for data strategies, field groups, and validations. In addition to adding new data strategies, field groups, and validations, it also compares the incoming versions to the existing versions and appends any new additions to these components. No existing components are removed. Examples:


Existing Version

Incoming Version



Existing Version

Incoming Version


Data Strategy X

Field Group A
Field Group B

Field Group A

Field Group C
Field Group D

Field Group A Unchanged
Field Group B Unchanged
Field Group C Added
Field Group D Added

Field Group X

Field A
Field B

Field A

Field C
Field D

Field A Unchanged
Field B Unchanged
Field C Added
Field D Added

Select an Option

If there are no customizations, you can apply all of the changes by manually migrating the package content and selecting Overwrite the existing item in the destination. This will override the respective components in the destination and wipe out all customizations.

If there are customizations and you only want to take the data strategy changes for new fields, field groups, and validations, you can migrate the package content manually and select the Reconcile with existing item in the destination for these components.

SeeĀ Manual Package Content Migration for additional information about running migrations.