Manage Calculations

Manage Calculations

You can manage the Eagle Analytics calculations used by the standard FINCAD functions for option-adjusted spread, duration, and convexity analytics, as well as the functions for duration, mod duration, convexity, mod convexity, and basis point value computations. You can view/edit, create, duplicate, and delete calculations.

Calculations are initialized with imported Eagle package files and conventionally use the same naming convention as the underlying FINCAD function. The best practice is to duplicate an imported calculation and then apply any customizations to the copied calculation.

View / Edit a Calculation

You can view and edit several calculation attributes, including the calculation name, description, and the FINCAD function used. You can override input arguments used with calculations. Eagle recommends that you do not apply changes directly to the original calculation files. Use copied calculations to preserve the integrity of the initial Eagle Analytics migration package.

To view and edit a calculation:

  1.  In the Setup workspace, click Calculations in the left navigation pane.
     You see the Calculations workspace with the list of all available calculations.

  2.  Scroll down to the calculation you wish to view or edit.

  3.  On the toolbar, click Edit. You see the Editing Calculation dialog box.

  4.  Review and edit the information you wish to change and click Save.

Create a Calculation

To create a new calculation:

  1. From the Setup workspace, in the left navigation, click Calculations.
    You see the Calculations workspace with the list of all available calculations.

  2. On the toolbar, click Create New.
    You see the Creating New Calculation dialog box.

  3. In the ID text box, enter a unique identifier. If you leave this option blank, the system assigns a unique identifier.

  4. In the Name text box, enter a name for the calculation.

  5. In the Description text box, optionally enter a description of the calculation.

  6. Set Expose To External Process and click the Identifier drop down and select the identified option, as required.

  7. Enter the Input options for name, description, type, sub type, and value, as required.

  8. Enter the Output options for name, description, database, table, and field, as required.

  9. Click Save.
    You see the refreshed list of calculations.

Duplicate a Calculation

Eagle recommends that you use calculation copies to preserve the integrity of the initial Eagle Analytics migration package.

To copy the imported calculation to a new filename:

  1. From the Setup workspace, click Calculations in the left navigation.
    You see the Calculations workspace with the list of all available calculations.

  2. Scroll down to the calculation you wish to duplicate.

  3. On the toolbar, click Duplicate.
    You see the Duplicate dialog box.

  4. Enter a new calculation name and click OK.
    You see a message that the calculation has copied successfully.

  5. Click OK to return to the Calculations workspace.
    You see the refreshed list of calculations.

Delete a Calculation

To delete a calculation:

  1. From the Setup workspace, click Calculations in the left navigation.
    You see the Calculations workspace with the list of all available calculations.

  2. Scroll down to the calculation you wish to delete.

  3. On the toolbar, click Delete.
    You see a dialog box reconfirming that you want to delete this calculation.

  4. Click Yes to delete the calculation or click No to keep the calculation.
    You see a message that the calculation was deleted successfully.

  5. Click OK to return to the Calculations workspace.
    You see the refreshed list of available calculations.

Calculation Examples

Several industry standard calculations are available, including:

  •  Price from yield

  •  Yield from price

  •  Price from yield curve

  •  Fair value and yield for floating rate note (FRN) bonds

  •  Price, yield, and analytics for callable bonds