List Legal Entity Cross Reference

List Legal Entity Cross Reference

To list legal entity cross reference

  1. In the Reference Desk workspace, in the left navigation pane, click Legal Entities  and then click Legal Entities Cross Reference>List Cross References
    You see the Delete Legal Entity Cross Reference panel.

  2. In the Query Based on drop-down select how you want the system to perform the query. Options include: Issuer ID, Issuer Name, Sub Issuer ID.

  3. Enter the Issuer ID and Issuer Name.  If you chose Query Based on Sub Issuer ID, then enter the Sub Issuer ID Type and Sub Issuer Name.

  4. In the Results Option pane, select how you would like the results to display.

  5. Click Submit.
    You see the Query Results panel displaying the results of your query.

  6. Select the cross reference to delete by clicking on the corresponding checkbox.

  7. Click Delete Issue Cross Reference Record on the ribbon.
    You see the Action Entry panel with the Cross Reference information.

  8. Click Submit.
    You see the results window

  9. Close the Results bottom tab to return to the List Legal Entity Cross Reference panel.