Manage Roles between a Legal Entity and a Security

Manage Roles between a Legal Entity and a Security

Roles show the relationship between a given legal entity and a security. A legal entity can have multiple roles for multiple securities (for example, issuer, guarantor, obligor), and a security can have multiple legal entities associated with it. Because of this relationship, RDC is configured so that it is easy to view roles from within both legal entity and security screens.

Display Legal Entity Roles Tab for Securities

To display the roles tab when viewing a security, be sure that any relevant security data strategies (data type=securities) have been configured correctly.

To display legal entities role tab for securities:

  1. In the Setup workspace, in the left navigation, click Data Strategies.
    You see the Data Strategies workspace.

  2. Navigate to the desired security data strategy and then double-click to open it.
    You see the Edit Data Strategy workspace

  3. Click the Criteria tab.

  4. From the Select the data type tabs to appear on the security drop-down list, ensure that Issuer Roles is selected.

  5. Click Save & Close.
    The Role tab displays in the Security details screen.

The tab is labeled Security Roles whether you are viewing it from the Legal Entity or Security screen.

Create New Roles

When editing legal entities, you can manually create new roles.

To create a new role:

  1. In the Edit Legal Entity window, click the Security Roles tab.

  2. Click Add Role.

  3. In the new row that displays, complete the fields as you require and then click Save.
    You see the Change Summary detailing the pending changes.

  4. Click Submit Changes.

View/Edit Security Role Details

In the Security Roles tab you can view and update details on the security alias, role type, primary asset ID and currency of the security. The Security Roles tab also displays any type of interaction between a legal entity and a security such as an issuer, guarantor, or obligor.

  To view/edit security role details:

  1. In the Edit Legal Entity window, click the Security Roles tab.
    You see the Security Roles tab.

  2. Right-click on the security role record to view details of the security that the legal entity is related to.

  3. To edit any of the fields, make the appropriate changes and then click Save.
    You see the Change Summary detailing the pending changes.

  4. Click Submit Changes.

Navigate Between Legal Entity and Security Screens

To view/edit security data from the legal entity screen:

  1. Click the Security Roles tab.

  2. Select the record you want to view and then from the right-click menu, select View Security Data or Edit Security Data.
    The security opens in a new tab either in view or edit mode.

To view/edit legal entity data from the security screen:

  1. Click the Security Roles tab.

  2. Select the record you want to view and then from the right-click menu, select View  legal Entity Data or Edit Legal Entity Data.
    The legal entity opens in a new tab either in view or edit mode.