Create a Data Strategy

Create a Data Strategy

When you create a data strategy, you select the options that control the types of reference data to release, the vendors to use, and the validations to apply for each gold copy composited security. You can define a series of data strategies for each reference data type, such as security, analytics, and so forth; however, you must not set up two data strategies that process the same security for the same reference data type. You can import Eagle default data strategies when you migrate security data strategies.

You can set up data strategies in Reference Data Center in the Data Strategy wizard. Here you can define the data strategy, specify the security criteria, select the field groups, define data sources to use, apply enrichments and select validation rules.

Define the Data Strategy

You can define a data strategy that governs a specific subset of securities, including source hierarchy rules and other information about compositing data for these securities.

To define the data strategy:

  1. From the Setup workspace, click Data Strategies in the left navigation.
    You see the Data Strategy workspace with the list of available data strategies.

  2. Click Create New and from the drop-down list, select the type of data strategy you want to create.
    You see the Data Strategy wizard with the Define page as the default.
    NOTE: Depending on the type of data strategy you are creating, the wizard displays only relevant pages. 

  3. In the ID text box, enter a unique identifier. If you leave this option blank, the system assigns a unique identifier.

  4. In the Name text box, enter a name for the data strategy.

  5. In the Description text box, optionally enter a description of the data strategy.

  6. The Data Type field defaults to the type of data strategy selected in from the drop-down list.

  7. Select a Data Strategy Group from the drop-down list.

  8. Select a Gold Copy from the drop-down list. See Options for more details. 

  9. Set the Enabled check box (default) to indicate the data strategy is enabled for use. Or, clear the check box to disable use.

  10. Click the optional Processing Option to make this your default strategy option. When a category has a default data strategy set up, then any securities that don't meet any other data strategy criteria are picked up and processed by the default data strategy. 

  11. Click the Vendor Data Expiration drop down and optionally select a date rule to block stale vendor data from composite use.

  12. Click Next.
    You see the Criteria page.

Specify the Security Criteria

In the Securities Criteria page you can define the security and/or holdings criteria.

To specify the security criteria:

  1. Click Define for Security Selection Criteria and use the Logic Builder to define the security filter that defines the subset of securities processed by the data strategy.

  2. To apply holdings criteria to the data strategy, click the Apply holdings criteria to this data strategy check box and then select an option from the  Entities, Source, and Date Rule drop-down lists.

  3. To define Additional Criteria, click Define and optionally use the Logic Builder to define the securities with holdings processed by the data strategy.

  4. Click Next.
    You see the Sources page.

Select the Field Groups

In the Fields page you can select a field group that contains your intended composite field. RDC uses field groups which is the reason why a group is chosen even one there is only one composite field.

To select field groups for the data strategy:

  1. Select the Field Groups from the drop-down list.
    You see the field group details displayed in the space below.

  2.  Click Next.
    You see the Fields page.

Select the Fields

In the Fields page you can define field attributes for the fields chosen in Field Group. See Options for more details.

  1. For each field, select the check box that corresponds to the attributes you want to give the field. 

  2. Click Next.
    You see the Sources page.

Define the Sources

In the Sources page you can select a pre-defined source hierarchy rule.

  1. For each field that displays, select a rule from the Source Rule drop-down list.
    You see the source hierarchy rules displayed in the space below.

  2. Click Next.
    You see Define Vendor Date Expiration page.

Define Vendor Data Expiration 

In the Vendor Data Expiration page you can define the date rule for all vendor data sources. The Define Vendor Expiration page displays a list of the unique vendor sources of all the source rules used in the sources tab. By default it would be the vendor expiration rule selected or null if it’s not selected. User can override default rule for a particular source and save this as a DS override

  1. For each Vendor Source listed, select the corresponding Date Rule from the drop-down list. Options include the vendor expiration rule selected on the Define page and Null. 

  2. Click Next.
    You see the Enrichments page.

Apply Enrichments

In the Enrichments page you can select pre-configured enrichments to be applied to the data strategy that you are creating.

  1. For each field that displays, select the Enrichment from the drop-down list.

  2. Select if the enrichment to be applied is an Overlay or Default.

  3. Click Next.
    You see the Validations page.

Apply Validations

In the Validations page you can select which type of validation rules to apply to your data strategy.

  1. Select the Validation Processing. Options include:
    –  Process using global validation rules only.
    –  Define specific validation rule

  2. If you selected to Define specific validation rules, then select Validation Rule from the drop-down list. 

  3. Click Save & Close.
    The data strategy has been added to the list of available data strategies in the workspace.

Apply Overrides

In the Override page you can apply field level overrides. 

  1. Select an option from the Override value drop-down list. Options include: Override Value and Default value.

  2. Click Save & Close to save your sections.