Work with Report Rule Overrides

The Creating a Monthly Report from a Daily Report methodology described in the previous section provides an example where you configure a Performance Calculation report profile with an underlying report rule, and then override components of that report rule by specifying an override field rule and/or override source rule.

After you configure a Performance Calculation report profile to override the report rule's field rule and/or source rule, PACE reporting provides several cues that make it easier to identify the overrides you applied.

Identify Report Rule Overrides when Editing Report Profiles

In PACE reporting, when you review report profiles in the Reports tab, Eagle allows you to expand and collapse those report profiles to identify the components that comprise the report rule, that is, the field rule, source rule, and grouping rule. When an override is present, Eagle displays the override Field Rule and/or override Source Rule in place of the underlying Report Rule's original Field Rule and Source Rule. Eagle additionally displays the letter, O to the right of the:

  • F above the Field Rule ruler icon to identify use of a field rule override for the report rule.

  • S above the Source Rule ruler icon to identify use of a source rule override for the report rule.

  • O Indicates an Override for the Field Rule and/or Source Rule

An example is shown in the following figure.

Editing Report Profiles

Edit Report Rule Override Components in Report Results

When you open the report results for Performance Calculation reports after you applied a Field Rule Override and/or Source Rule Override to the report profile, you can open and edit the override Field Rule and/or override Source Rule, rather than editing the underlying Report Rule's original Field Rule and Source Rule.

You can select the Edit Field Rule Override option and the Edit Source Rule Override option from the Edit icon in the Results toolbar for this purpose.

An example is shown in the following figure.

Editing Field Rule and Source Rule Overrides to the Underlying Report Rule