Work with EagleEye Analysis

You can use EagleEye Analysis to research Performance Calculation report results and troubleshoot reporting issues.

EagleEye Analysis is a diagnostic tool to research unexpected Performance Calculation report results and troubleshoot reporting issues. EagleEye allows you to quickly review the calculation assumptions and supporting data for any single period calculation report.

You can generate EagleEye Analysis information when running Performance Calculation reports in Submit with Override mode for a single entity or composite for a single period. You can access Submit with Override mode from General Reporting report results or after you download report results in the Commit Journal. EagleEye Analysis provides a single XML file, linked to the Performance Calculation report results, that opens automatically in Excel for viewing.

EagleEye results display in a spreadsheet consisting of subject specific tabs including report profile parameters, entity, positions, cash activity, securities, committed results, significant cash flow processing, and performance. If you ran the report for a composite, it shows the inputs from the underlying entities. It also provides detailed information about the Performance Analysis fields, Performance Link Analysis fields, and Performance Risk Analysis fields used in the report.

You can run EagleEye Analysis with Performance Returns reports used for Portfolio Performance. You cannot use EagleEye Analysis with Dynamic NAV Returns reports used for Retail Fund Performance or with Composite Weighted Returns reports used with GIPS Composite Management.