Work with Performance Models (Dictionaries)
Eagle's performance models, also called performance dictionaries, represent the grouping structure of the performance data created by Eagle Performance, and control the way in which Eagle Performance groups and sorts information shown in Performance Analysis reports and the Performance Query Tool.
Performance models allow you to "lock down" the grouping structure for return calculations that you perform on a regular basis, such as daily returns. They ensure that your single-period returns and corresponding multi-period returns and analytic data use the same grouping classifications, and your calculations are based on a consistent framework.
Typically, you use Eagle Performance to calculate single-period returns and multi-period returns in the context of a single performance model. However, you can calculate multi-period returns in dynamic mode to avoid use of a pre-defined performance model.
View Performance Models
Using the Dictionaries window, you can view your Performance Models and control the sort order of the nodes on the Performance Analysis report. To view dictionaries, enter Dictionaries in the Start Search text box. Click the Dictionaries (Reporting Center) link to access the Reporting Center. You see the Dictionaries window as shown in the following figure.
The Dictionaries window displays both Regular Dictionaries and Performance Models. The Type column shows a value of Regular or Performance Model for each row. See the following figure.
To see only Performance Models, click the link beside Current Filters. In the Filter Dictionaries dialog box, under Filter by Type, select the Performance Model check box and clear the Regular check box. See the following figure.
To view all of the nodes in a Performance Model, select that Performance Model and click View. This opens the Performance Model for viewing. See the following figure.
All Performance Models start with the TOTAL node, but clicking the "+" next to TOTAL displays all the nodes in the next level down. See the following figure.
Selecting a grouping field ("AQ Sector" in the previous figure) and clicking the View Details option displays information about that field attribute. See the following figure.
Similarly, selecting a node and clicking the View Details option displays the Dictionary Item ID and Dictionary Detail ID. The Dictionary Item ID is helpful for looking up a specific node in the PERF_SEC_RETURNS table. See the following figure.
Add Performance Models
You can add a Performance Model in several ways:
Run a Performance Calculation Report. When you use the Performance Calculation report to calculate returns and set up the report to commit data, the system creates a Performance Model based on the criteria specified in the report profile's Grouping Rule. For information about the database tables used to store performance models, see Use the Performance Toolkit or Work with Dictionary Data.
Use Generic lnterface. You can use the generic Performance interface to load a new Performance Model. For more information, see the Supported Generic Interfaces V17 Wiki.
Migration. You can migrate a Performance Model from one Eagle environment to another Eagle environment. For more information. see Migration Wizard
Performance Toolkit. Eagle's Performance Toolkit provides a variety of standard performance models. For more information, see Performance Toolkit Implementation
Edit Performance Models
You can edit a Performance Model by selecting one and clicking Edit. Once in edit mode, you can add or delete nodes and change the sort order.
Deleting Nodes
Any node can be deleted if it does not have corresponding performance data and does not have any lower level nodes. To delete the node, select a node and click Remove. See the following figure.
If the node has a lower level node, the Remove option is not available. See the following figure.
Similarly, if the node has associated performance data, you are not able to remove it.
Remove Node Disabled - Associated Performance Data
This check is looking in the PERF_SEC_RETURNS table for any record that has a PERF_ROLLUP_RETURNS_ID of the node being deleted under the selected Performance Model as determined by a join to PERF_SUMMARY by PREF_SUM_INST.
Control the Sort Order
When you run a Performance Analysis report, the nodes are displayed in the order that they were committed to the database. For example, if you commit all of your equity accounts in an Asset Class model, and then commit all of your fixed income accounts, the Performance Analysis report displays the Equity node before the Fixed Income node. Similarly, if you commit the fixed income accounts first, then all of your equity accounts, you see the Fixed Income node first.
When you edit a Performance Model, the order that the nodes appear in the window is the same order that they are displayed in the Performance Analysis report. This order is determined by the order of the Dictionary Detail IDs. Anytime there is more than one node in a level, you can move any node in that level up or down by clicking the Move Up or Move Down options. See the following figure.
When moving nodes up or down, all the lower level nodes of the node being moved are also moved.
Add Nodes
In most cases, you do not need to manually add nodes. However, if you are loading returns from an external source and want to add a new node to an existing Performance Model, you can do so by selecting the level and clicking Add. See the following figure.
The selected level must be a field attribute that has a translation set. You can only add a node that exists in that corresponding code list. If you select a level that does not have a corresponding translation, Add is disabled.
Although you can add nodes, you cannot create Performance Models.
Delete Performance Models
You can delete entire unused Performance Models by selecting a Performance Model and clicking Delete. See the following figure.
Performance Models can only be deleted if there is no associated performance data. A check is done to validate that performance data does not exist for the model being deleted.
This check is looking for any performance data in PERF_SUMMARY for the Performance Model being deleted. If no data exists, all data is deleted in the DICTIONARIES, DICTIONARY_DETAIL, and DICTIONARY_FORMAT tables for the Performance Model being deleted.
Migrate Performance Models
You can click the Migration link in the Dictionaries toolbar and choose an appropriate option to migrate Performance Models from one environment to another. For more information about the migration process, refer to Migration Wizard or to the Silent Migration Wizard Quick Reference Guide.
Eagle's Migration Wizard supports the extraction and building of performance models during the migration process. When you migrate a component that uses a Performance Model (for example, Performance Analysis Report Rules, Composite Analysis Report Profiles, Query Tool Profiles, and Commit Journal Views) from a source environment to a destination environment, if the Performance Model:
Is not already present in the destination environment, the Migration Wizard processing re-creates any missing Performance Model in the destination environment.
Is already present in the destination environment, the Migration Wizard does not overwrite the existing performance model. It does not change, delete, or update performance models that already exist in the target environment.
When you use the Silent Migration Wizard (used for after-hours automated migration), if the Performance Model used by a component in the source environment does not exist in the destination (target) environment, the Silent Migration Wizard re-creates the performance model specified in the source environment dialog box for use in the destination environment.