Create a Tax Rate

Create a Tax Rate

This section describes how to maintain tax rate information. Eagle Performance can use tax rates to calculate after-tax returns. Any time a tax rate changes, you must add a new tax rate record with an effective date that identifies the tax rate in effect at the time of any dividend distribution.

Each tax rate record has a unique combination of country, region, effective date, and tax rate.

To create a tax rate for use in after tax calculations:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

  2. Enter Tax Rates in the Start Search text box and click the Tax Rates (Performance Center) link.
    You see the Performance Center with the Tax Rates workspace. This window displays all tax rates associated with the selected country and region.

  3. If you want to view tax rates for a different country and/or region, select the Country field and Region field, and change the corresponding value.
    By default, Country has a value of All Countries and Region has a value of All Regions.

  4. Click the New link to add a new tax rate.
    The Add New Rate dialog box appears. See the following figure.

    Add New Rate Dialog Box

The following table describes the fields on this dialog box.






The country associated with the tax rate. You can click the ellipsis button beside this field to select a different code value.
After you save the tax rate, you cannot change this value. If you need to change this value, delete the tax rate and create a new tax rate.


The region associated with the tax rate. You can click the ellipsis button beside this field to select a different code value. If you are creating a tax rate at the country level, and no region applies, select the value of DEFAULT.
After you save the tax rate, you cannot change this value. If you need to change this value, delete the tax rate and create a new tax rate.

Effective Date

The effective date associated with the tax rate identifies the date for the tax rate in effect at the time of any dividend distribution. You can click the ellipsis button beside this field to select a different date.

Tax Type

The type of tax associated with the tax rate, for example, long term capital gain tax.

Tax Rate

The tax rate in decimal terms. For example, enter a 20% tax rate as 0.20000.

Update Date

The system assigns the date and time of the most recent changes made to this tax rate.

Update Source

The system assigns the user name of the person who most recently maintained this tax rate. This field accommodates up to 30 characters.

Range Minimum

(Used for retail fund calculations) The beginning of the period, in months, for which the tax rate is in effect. For example, you can enter a range minimum and maximum of:

  • 0.0 to 12.0 for a holding period up to one year

  • 12.0 to 99999.9 for a holding period 12 months or greater.

  • 12.0 to 18.0 for a medium term rate in effect for this period
    This value is optional.

Range Maximum

(Used for retail fund calculations) The end of the period, in months, for which the tax rate is in effect. This value is optional.

As you maintain tax rates, you can click the following links to maintain tax rate information:

  • New link to add a new tax rate for the specified country and region.

  • Edit link to modify the selected tax rate.

  • Delete link to delete the selected tax rate.

  • Configure link to modify the code associated with the country and region.

  • Print link to print the displayed tax rates.

  • Export link to export the displayed tax rates to Excel in a tab- or comma-delimited file format.

Create an Entity Tax Rate Field

You create an Entity Tax Rate field that determines whether to use the country or region tax rate, and identifies the tax field created in Create a Tax Plan for Tax Rates.

To add an Entity Tax Rate field:

  1. As you add a new field to the Performance Calculations Report Rule, expand the Custom folder, select the Entity Tax Rate folder, and click New.
    The Entity Tax Rate dialog box appears. See the following figure.

    Entity Tax Rate Dialog Box
  2. Name the field and enter the appropriate information in the first few fields.

  3. Under Parameters, set the Process option to a value of either Entity Tax Rate Fetch (Country) or Entity Tax Rate Fetch (Regional), depending on whether you want to apply the tax rate at the country level or regional level.
    This process retrieves the most recent tax rate, based on tax rate effective date, that meets your criteria.

  4. If you set the Process option to select the tax rate based on country, select a Country Field value that identifies the entity-level field that stores the entity's tax country.
    The system retrieves the most recent tax rate that corresponds to the entity's country and has a Region value of DEFAULT for the tax type specified in the tax field.

  5. If you set the Process option to select the tax rate based on region, select a Country Field value and a Region Field value that identifies the entity-level fields that stores the entity's tax country and tax region.
    The system retrieves the most recent tax rate that corresponds to the entity's country/region combination for the tax type specified in the tax field.

  6. In the Tax Field, select the Advanced tax field that identifies the type of tax rate to use and the location of the tax rate field.
    For more information, see Create a Tax Type for Tax Rates.

Use Tax Rates in the Performance Calculation Report

After you set up tax fields to identify tax types and tax rate location, and Entity Tax Rate fields to identify the appropriate country or region tax rates to apply to entities, you can use those fields within the Performance Calculations report to display the most recent tax rate information that meets your criteria and/or calculate after tax returns.

For example, if you want to present after tax performance results, you can use US Federal and/or state taxes in the Performance Returns report to calculate returns net of Federal and state taxes.