Edit Cash Activity Data
You can change cash activity records via the Cash Activity tab. When a cash activity record is edited, a duplicate record is created in the database with a source of PERFORMANCE. The duplicate record contains the original values except for those that you changed. When you recalculate the returns, if the source PERFORMANCE (short name of PERF) is included in the Source Rule as the first source under cash activity, then the edited data is used instead of the original values. To maintain an audit trail, the data from the original source is not changed and it is not deleted.
If an Application Server error occurs during cash activity data maintenance, the error is displayed in the PACE windows. You do not need to obtain the Application Server log to view this information.
You can change cash activity records via the Cash Activity tab. When a cash activity record is edited, a duplicate record is created in the database with a source of PERFORMANCE. The duplicate record contains the original values except for those that you changed. When you recalculate the returns, if the source PERFORMANCE (short name of PERF) is included in the Source Rule as the first source under cash activity, then the edited data is used instead of the original values. To maintain an audit trail, the data from the original source is not changed and it is not deleted.
Access Cash Activity Records
To edit cash activity:
Open the Performance Calculation report and expand it to display the security level.
Select the security with the transaction activity you want to edit.
Click the Cash Activity tab.
The cash activity window displays a list of any cash flows for that particular security.Choose the Maintain data icon .
You can select the options:
Edit Cash Activity. Change a current cash activity record
Add Cash Activity. Add a new cash activity record to the database
Delete Cash Activity. Available only on a manually added cash activity record.
Cash Activity Main. Journal. Show the changes made to the cash activity records.
Add a Cash Activity Record
To add a cash activity record:
Choose the Add option described in Accessing Cash Activity Records.
The Cash Activity Maintenance dialog box appears.Add the required fields and any other fields.
Click Save when done.
A cash activity record can only be added for a security that currently exists in the Performance Calculation report. Also, cash activity records that are added manually have a source of Performance and not Eagle PACE. This source must be in the cash activity Source Rule hierarchy to appear on the Performance Calculation report.
Edit a Cash Activity Record
To edit a cash activity record:
Choose the Edit option described in Accessing Cash Activity Records.
The Cash Activity Maintenance dialog box appears. The following figure shows you the current cash activity record. The required fields have bold labels.Adjust the data as needed.
For example, here base net amount can be changed from 25,000 to 28,000.When finished, click Save.
Ignore a Cash Activity Record
A cash activity record from the original accounting source cannot be deleted. Select the Ignore this record for performance calculations check box, shown in the previous figure, if you want to ignore it. This flags the record in the database so that it is not included in the performance calculation.
Delete a Manually Added Cash Activity Record
To delete a cash activity record that was added manually:
Choose the Delete option described in Accessing Cash Activity Records.
This removes the record.Change the cash activity data and resubmit the Performance Calculation report to recalculate returns using the revised data.
As long as the Source Rule for the report is set to use Performance as the primary source for cash activity, (with the accounting system source as secondary) the report re-runs and uses the edited record in place of the original. This is done even though the original record remains intact for an audit trail.