Steps to Install the Toolkit

Steps to Install the Toolkit

You can install the Performance Toolkit after you complete the pre-installation tasks and configure Data Mart and Eagle Packaged Reports, as described in previous sections. During the installation process, you migrate the contents of the .EGL files to your Eagle system and perform several configuration tasks.

To install the Performance Toolkit:

  1. Create Sample Entities. Open Entity Maintenance and create the entities described in the following table. The migration process, described later in this procedure, requires that these entities are available.

  2. Copy EGL Files. Copy the .EGL files provided with the Toolkit to an accessible location from the Eagle Data Management tool front end.

  3. Migrate Files for Reporting. Open General Reporting and migrate in the files described in the following table.

  4. Migrate Files for Query Tool. Open the Query Tool and migrate in the files described in the following table.

  5. Migrate Files for MPC. Open the Multiperiod Performance Calculator (MPC) and migrate in the files described in the following table.

  6. Configure Eagle Mart Instance. Open Data Mart, set Data Mart Instance to EAGLEMART, click Administration, and then click Configure. In the Data Mart Configuration dialog box, ensure that the Source Rule field has a value of EAGLEMART Source Rule. This step aids the migration process.

  7. Migrate Data Mart Models. Within Data Mart, select EAGLEMART as the active Data Mart and migrate in the files described in the following table.

  8. Populate the Relation Fields Table (Required). You can find this table in the TK2_V121_RelFld.sql file, available as one of the Performance Toolkit files in the Eagle installation DVD. Instructions for both Oracle or SQL Server databases follow.

  9. Copy Report Utility DLL File. Copy the file, Eagle.AdvReports.Utilities.dll, available with the Performance Toolkit on the Eagle installation DVD, to the “dotnet” folder of each Advanced Reporting server in the environment.

  10. Migrate Data Quality Rules and Validation Rules. Within Migration Wizard, select Import and migrate in the file described in the following table.