Configure Data Mart and Eagle Packaged Reports

Eagle Packaged Reports are a set of reports ready for you to use with Data Mart. The Performance Toolkit 2.0 presentation reports rely on reporting logic available with Eagle Mart Packaged Reports and Portal Content 5.0 (or higher, if available).

If you plan to use the Toolkit presentation reports and store Performance information in Data Mart, complete this process before you install the Performance Toolkit.

To configure Data Mart and Eagle Packaged Reports for use with the Performance Toolkit:

  1. Choose Mart Instance. Review your reporting requirements and identify the Data Mart instance you plan to use with the Performance Toolkit models. You can use:
    Default Mart (Select as Eagle Best Practice). A Data Mart instance (database schema) that Eagle provides for clients that plan to customize packaged reports.
    Eagle Mart. An internal read-only Data Mart instance that provides models for packaged reports that you can customize. Eagle recommends that you do not choose Eagle Mart.
    Another Mart You Create. You can create your own Data Mart instance for use with the Performance Toolkit.

  2. For more information, see the Customizing Reports section in the Eagle Mart Packaged Reports and Portal Content 5.0 Configuration Guide and the Customizing Packaged Reports section of the Eagle Mart Packaged Reports and Portal Content 5.0 Reference Guide. For a general discussion of multiple marts, see the Data Mart User Guide.

  3. Default Mart (Select as Eagle Best Practice). A Data Mart instance (database schema) that Eagle provides for clients that plan to customize packaged reports.

  4. Create Source Rule and Entity. Before you install the packaged report components, create or identify the following items you require later in the setup process.
    Source Rule. For example, EAGLEMART Source Rule.
    Entity. For example, Entity ID of SAMPLE1 and entity type of PORT

  5. Migrate Package Report Files. Install the Packaged Report files, and perform the related Data Mart setup tasks. Follow the directions provided in the Migrating the .EGL Files After Installation section of the Eagle Mart Packaged Reports and Portal Content 5.0 Configuration Guide. Be sure to:
     Copy the files, EAGLE.ADVREPORTS.UTILITIES.DLL, EAGLEMART.EGL and REPORTS.EGL to an accessible location from the Eagle Data Management tool front end.
     Configure the Data Mart instance you are customizing using the Data Mart Configuration dialog box. (For example, set Data Mart Instance to Default Mart, click Administration, and then click Configure.)

  6. In Data Mart Configuration, make sure to:
    Choose a source rule. You must configure a source rule before you can migrate Eagle Mart models.

    • Select the Use Entity History check box if you plan to use the Performance Toolkit.

    • Select the Always composite holdings check box if you plan to use the Performance Toolkit.

    • Set Sys_item 86, the local folder.

    • Enable the SOAP Port on the Application Servers.

  7. (Optional) Set Up Package Reports in Mart. If you plan to use the packaged reports available with Eagle Mart Packaged Reports and Portal Content 5.0, and plan to customize those reports, you can copy the Data Mart models from the source model (Eagle Mart) to the target model, that is, the Data Mart instance you plan to use for customization (for example, Default Mart).

    Follow the directions provided in the Running Copy Model section of the Eagle Mart Packaged Reports and Portal Content 5.0 Configuration Guide. Be aware that the Packaged Reports and the Performance Toolkit have two Data Mart models in common, the Fund Summary Model and the Security Details model. You can find information about setting up those Data Mart models for use with specific Toolkit sleeves in later chapters.

  8. Set Report Branding Options.  In the Maintain Options/Parameters window, set the branding options common to Eagle Packaged Reports and Performance Toolkit presentation reports, such as company name/logo, and report header/footer. Follow the directions provided in the Customizing Report Options section of the Eagle Mart Packaged Reports and Portal Content 5.0 Configuration Guide. You can set default values that apply to all Advanced Reports, and can set Advanced Report options with Hidden and Shared properties. Such options do not appear in the Edit Profile windows — they allow a report administrator to brand reports consistently. Other options do not have the Hidden property selected, indicating that you can set those options at the individual report or report package level.

  9. (Optional) Customize Packaged Reports. If you plan to use the packaged reports available with Eagle Mart Packaged Reports and Portal Content 5.0, you can customize the reports, can customize the report options available for the reports, and/or can create a book of reports. For details, see the Eagle Mart Packaged Reports and Portal Content 5.0 Configuration Guide.