Workflow Final Status Specific Parameters

Workflow Final Status Specific Parameters

By default, the MC2 EJM workflow is completed with status of SUCCESS if no errors occur during main process execution. Otherwise the status is FAILED.

For a process that returns some data, this result is not useful. To add more control to the final status, the WRFStatusMode parameter has been added.

The WRFStatusMode parameter can change the behavior for the final status calculation.

The current MC2 EJM version supports DATA value only.

If WRFStatusMode=DATA, the status is calculated based on the ResultFrom parameter from the main process, which can be set using setParam shape in IWS. If any process from the ResultFrom parameter has an error, the status is FAILED. If no result files are found in processes from ResultFrom parameter, the status is NO_DATA. If result files are found, the status is SUCCESS.