About EJM Data/File Exchange Model
MC2 EJM, in contrast to classic MC EJM, does not use masks for data file names and uses file paths relative to the MC data folder only. Moreover, MC2 EJM allows you to pass data files in memory without writing files to the file system.
To meet the requirements, you must conform to a special format of file/data exchange variables:
t is a string representation of a data file list where the data files are separated by commas.
Each data file, in turn, has 3 parameters separated by a pipe.
Data File format: File name|Data variable name|(Archive) File type
Currently supported archive file types are: zip, tar and tar.gz.
Data File Parameters
Data file parameters contain the following information:
File name – can be a file path relative to the MC data folder or simply a file name. Mandatory field.
Data variable name – the name of the variable that contains file data. Optional field.
File type – File content type. Optional field.
Examples of Data Files
cmw/extracts/enityextract_qwerty1234.zip – the file is read from the file system.
enityextract_qwerty1234.zip|zipcontentVar – the content of the file is read from the zipcontentVar variable.
enityextract_qwerty1234.zip|zipcontentVar|ZIP – the zip file is read from the zipcontentVar variable and then all the files from the zip are extracted and used as data files.
The content of the file can be a base64 string. To decode the content automatically, add to the file name the extension .b64. For example, file1.txt.b64|var1.