MC2 EJM Data File Specific Parameters
You can adopt classic MC workflows for MC2 EJM by adding a set of task parameters. Each process in MC2 EJM has inbound and outbound parameters.
Inbound Parameters
The DataFrom parameter enables EJM to retrieve files from previous processes or data events.
To get files from all prior processes, pass a value of ALL. For example, DataFrom=ALL
To get files from current process (originating), pass a value of PROCESS. For example, DataFrom=PROCESS. In this case, the internal parameter _InFiles is used for incoming files.To get files from a certain process, specify TASK_[process name].
For example, in my_process1 sub-process in the workflow, to get the sub-process result files specify:
It is possible to specify a set of sub-processes by specifying them separated by comma:
To retrieve files from data event, specify EVENT_[event(process) name]. For example, in my_process1 sub-process with an attached Data artifact in workflow, to retrieve the event files specify:
It is possible to get event and sub-process files. For example:
Moreover, the DataFrom value can be an expression. For example, to get current process files if they are present, or data event files:
DataFrom=EXPR#iif(StringLength(:param_InFiles:) = 0,'EVENT_generic_load_unpacker','PROCESS').
By default the parameter has a value of ALL.
On this page
The FileFilterparameter enables you to filter inbound files by mask. If there is a Data artifact in the workflow, set this parameter with the same value as the data artifact FileMask field.
For example, in the illustration below, the data task with the artifact, where the FileFilter is mc2_mock6.
Outbound Parameters
The ResultFrom parameter is used to control which files are populated to result files parameter.
Possible values:
ALL – EJM collect outgoing files from all prior executed tasks in current process.
EVENT_[data event name] – EJM gets file from Data Event with given name.
TASK_[process name] – EJM gets outgoing files from task/sub-process with given name. It is possible to have multiple values separated by comma. For example, you can pass files from two or more tasks such as ResultFrom=TASK_task1,TASK_task2. The ResultFrom value can be expression as well. By default the parameter has a value of ALL.