Quick Eagle JMS Messaging Configuration

  1. Enable the JMS Messaging feature on MC2:

How to


How to


enable JMS



       # enable JMS messaging system
       jms: true

2. Make a low-level (common) configuration for JMS:

See  JMS Configurations (This document describes all basic concepts and configurations. Also it explains the meanings of configuration parameters.)

For well known JMS providers, there are pre-configured templates:

For Apache ActiveMQ:

For IBM WebSphereMQ:

3. Create Eagle Stream to finally configure JMS Messaging :

At this point basic JMS Messaging configuration is completed.

4. Restart MC2 to apply all these configuration settings.

The eaglejms-stream protocol is reserved for JMS messaging. The eaglejms protocol is not supported.

The type of JMS messaging is defined by stream direction. See Create Eagle JMS Stream Configurations. The name of stream is used as part of URI. For example: eaglejms-stream:jms-test_activemq-producer-stream


• eaglejms-stream - protocol

• jms-test_activemq-producer-stream - name of stream