JMS Log Monitoring

The REST JMS Log Monitoring feature enables you to check all errors and warnings that occur during JMS configuration.

To retrieve JMS Log information from a particular MC2-worker instance, you must execute a GET request by either of these two methods:

  • Execute for a particular MC2-worker instance through http://host:port/eagle/v2/jms/log.

  • Retrieve all logs from all active MC2-workers in cluster by executing for any MC2-lb instance through http://host:port/eagle/v2/jms/logs.

The JSON format of log information is supported.

See Calculate MC2 Endpoints Port Numbers for information about how to calculate the MC2 port number.

Example of a JMS Log for a MC2-worker:

{ "JMS" : { "CONFIG" : [ { "LEVEL" : "ERROR", "MSG" : "Exception occurred while creation of [wmq-my.jndi.wmq.connection] bean instance:" }, { "LEVEL" : "ERROR", "MSG" : "Exception occurred while creation of [wmqssl-wmq.ssl.connection] bean instance:" } ], "STREAMS" : [ { "LEVEL" : "WARN", "MSG" : "Could not find definition for connection 'myactivemq2.connection' of 'mc2_jms_out' stream. Check the connection configuration files in tpe/dynamic/mc2/eaglejms/connections" }, { "LEVEL" : "WARN", "MSG" : "Passwords for KeyStore & TrustStore were NOT provided! SSL Connection name: 'eglwwvm22.amq.ssl.connection'" } ] } }

Example of a JMS Log for all MC2 workers:

Aggregated REST JMS Logs
[ { "HOST": "", "PID": "17262", "LOG": { "JMS": { "CONFIG": [ { "LEVEL": "ERROR", "MSG": "Exception occurred while creation of [wmq-my.jndi.wmq.connection] bean instance:" }, { "LEVEL": "ERROR", "MSG": "Exception occurred while creation of [wmqssl-wmq.ssl.connection] bean instance:" } ], "STREAMS": [ { "LEVEL": "WARN", "MSG": "Could not find definition for connection 'myactivemq2.connection' of 'mc2_jms_out' stream. Check the connection configuration files in tpe/dynamic/mc2/eaglejms/connections" }, { "LEVEL": "WARN", "MSG": "Passwords for KeyStore & TrustStore were NOT provided! SSL Connection name: 'eglwwvm22.amq.ssl.connection'" } ], "SINGLE_CONSUMER": [ { "LEVEL": "INFO", "MSG": "Started Sequential-Reading JMS-Consumer Stream [!vp_test_jms_consumer_2] on this mc2-worker instance at [2019-Jun-06 01:50:59]" } ] } } }, { "HOST": "", "PID": "17292", "LOG": { "JMS": { "CONFIG": [ { "LEVEL": "ERROR", "MSG": "Exception occurred while creation of [wmq-my.jndi.wmq.connection] bean instance:" }, { "LEVEL": "ERROR", "MSG": "Exception occurred while creation of [wmqssl-wmq.ssl.connection] bean instance:" } ], "STREAMS": [ { "LEVEL": "WARN", "MSG": "Could not find definition for connection 'myactivemq2.connection' of 'mc2_jms_out' stream. Check the connection configuration files in tpe/dynamic/mc2/eaglejms/connections" }, { "LEVEL": "WARN", "MSG": "Passwords for KeyStore & TrustStore were NOT provided! SSL Connection name: 'eglwwvm22.amq.ssl.connection'" } ] } } } ]