Simplify Reporting of Issuer Data Services

Simplify Reporting of Issuer Data Services

Use the following features to simplify the use of issuer data services:

Minimize the Number of Issuer Detail Rows

  • System parameter #153, Minimize Rows in Issuer Report, allows you to minimize the number of Issuer Details rows that result from multiple issuer relationships in your Bloomberg Credit Risk module data.

  • 0. Select 0 to produce the multiple-rows results. If you set up your issuer reporting prior to V11.0 and want to keep it unchanged, select 0.

  • 1. Select 1 to minimize rows in OLAP reports and in the Data Mart Issuer Details table:

  • For any security's issuer in a given role, only one row is created for the entire company ownership path, from parent through ultimate parent.

  • The From Issuer Alias refers to the lowest-level issuer the direct issuer. The To Issuer Alias refers to the highest-level issuer, the ultimate parent. Data for any other issuer level can appear on this row if it is reported by Issuer Relationship Summary field attributes.

  • In case of shared ownership in the ownership path, an additional Issuer Details row is created to identify the two unique paths of the company ownership hierarchy.

Display Multiple Issuer Roles as Issuer Details Model Columns

Use System parameter #153, Minimize Rows in Issuer Report, in Issuer Role Type fields to display multiple issuer roles as columns in the Issuer Details model. Issuer Role Details fields are used to report the four types of issuer (Issuer, Parent, Domestic Ultimate Parent, and Global Ultimate Parent) supplied by the S&P Crosswalk issuer data service. Multiple Issuer Role Type fields in the Issuer Details model result in just a single table row per security when you set System Parameter 153 to minimize rows.

About Role Type Field Attributes

The Role Type field attribute can identify data for a direct issuer in any role. This is especially useful if you use S&P Crosswalk.

Role Type Field Attribute Example shows how to set up a Role Type field attribute for use in Data Mart Issuer Details or an OLAP report.

This example shows how the Role Type field simplifies issuer reporting when using the S&P Crosswalk data service. You can load CrossWalk data to Issuer Role Details, defining each of CrossWalk's four relationship levels as a role. This method creates a single row in an OLAP report or Data Mart Issuer Details for each security that CrossWalk covers. If you use this approach, you should not load CrossWalk data to the Issuer Relationship table, and you need not run the Issuer Relationship Builder Engine to produce the Issuer Relationship Summary table.

When using Bloomberg, putting a Role Type field attribute in an OLAP report or Data Mart Issuer Details returns the same data in that field's column for direct issuers of the security in all roles. For example, if a security has both an issuer and a guarantor, a Guarantor Name Role Type field would show that name on both the issuer row and the guarantor row. This facilitates reporting that selects just one row per security (for example, the issuer row) and needs all information to be on that row.