Data Mart Look Through

This Mart table extends look through functionality to group level tables and Fund Summary. The look through information is summarized in the following table.

Data Type

Detail Level

Group Level

Fund Level


Data Type

Detail Level

Group Level

Fund Level


Position Data

Table may be set up with position fields having new look through property enabled.

  • Group tables have new check box to enable look through.

  • If selected, table may be set up with rollups of look through enabled position fields.

May mix non-look through and look through position tables. Only certain look through rollups make sense at fund level, particularly weighted averages, min. and max.


Performance Analysis Data

No look through support.

  • Group tables have new check box to enable look through.

  • Performance analysis fields do not have a look through property.

  • Any performance analysis field added to a group model with the look through box selected will show performance on a look through basis.

No look through support.


Other Data

No look through support.