Create Entity Cross Reference Fields

Create Entity Cross Reference Fields

PACE allows you to store identifiers for how entities and clients are identified in other systems. You can include those references on any entity based PACE report.

A custom field called Entity Cross Reference allows data from the ENTITY_XREFERENCE table to be included in a PACE report. In the Entity XReference field, you can set up multiple code value sets to display varied XReference fields. For example, if you have multiple accounting systems sending data to PACE, you can create a field attribute for each entity identifier that is specific to each accounting system for display in a report.

Complete the following procedure to create Entity Cross Reference fields.

  1. Create a new custom field attribute from the Entity XReference category. Enter a name in the Name field, and any comment in the Comment field. Select 0 from the Precision drop down list.

  2. Click Field Options and select the field options such as publishing and report mapping.

  3. Enter a value for the Column and the Entity XReference Type.