Benchmark Comparison Fields

Benchmark Comparison Fields

Eagle PACE allows you to compare portfolio and benchmark information in Performance Analysis Reports. These comparisons are done at the security or grouping levels of reports. When comparisons are done at the grouping level only, the data is stored in the Performance tables at the grouping level only and at the security or grouping levels for Performance reports. The comparisons are done as columns in the Performance report.

Eagle PACE also allows you to perform this type of comparison on other types of OLAP reports, including position and entity reports. This allows you to provide benchmark comparison reporting in reports, Advanced reports, Portal Queries, and Data Mart.

You can set benchmark definitions on the Holding Field Attribute and Entity Field Attribute Maintenance windows, using the Benchmark Definition option.

Editing Regular Field Dialog Box Benchmark Definitions

Use the Benchmark Definition setting to create a field attribute that retrieves data from the benchmark entity associated with the entity that is selected in the report that contains this field.

  • This setting lists the long descriptions of the code values that exist for the internal code IBMARKDEF.

  • This setting also lists the option Profile Portfolio, which is the default setting.

  • When Profile Portfolio is selected, the field retrieves data from the entity selected in the report profile.

  • When a value other than Profile Portfolio is selected, the field retrieves data from the corresponding benchmark that is associated with the entity selected in the report profile.

  • If a benchmark is selected and the entity in the report does not have a corresponding benchmark, then the field returns a NULL value.

  • Rollup and inference fields, as well as other custom field types, can be defined against fields with the Benchmark Definition setting populated.

  • This setting is also available for advanced holding field attributes.

Allow Benchmark Override

You can override a benchmark when submitting position and entity range reports. This feature is only enabled for position and entity range reports. You can override any of the benchmark types listed in the IBMARKDEF code with any entity in the PACE system. If the primary benchmark setting is overridden, all fields with that benchmark definition selected are run with the entity selected as the override.

Composite Enumeration

If the report is submitted for a composite entity, then consideration needs to be given to which benchmark is retrieved in the report:

  • If the Enumerate Composites setting is not enabled, then the benchmark associated with the selected composite entity is retrieved by the report.

  • If the Enumerate Composites setting is enabled, then the benchmark associated with the underlying entities is retrieved by the report.

Currency Conversion

  • If a field attribute has both a currency process and a benchmark definition defined, then the currency value of the associated benchmark is used for the currency conversion process.

  • As in current currency conversion processing, if the associated benchmark does not have a Base Currency defined, then the value is not converted.

Reports Submitted for Clients

When a PACE report is submitted for a client, the benchmark information is retrieved for the entities owned by the selected client.

If the Treat Clients as Contacts setting is selected, the benchmark information is retrieved for the entity owned by the client related to the selected client and the entity owned by the selected client is ignored.