Custom Archive Rules

Custom archive rules store reports on the web server in a directory set up by the System Administrator. If you do not set up any custom archive rules, the default archive rule is used to store reports. The default archive rule is installed as part of PACE installation, and is explained later in this section.

Default Rule

If you do not define a custom archive rules, the default rule, installed as part of PACE installation, is used. The default archive rule is configured by the system administrator. Configuration settings include a root directory, directory rule, and file rule:

  • Root Directory. Enter the storage location for the report files. If storing reports on a UNIX directory, enter the UNIX directory name. If storing reports on a Windows directory, enter the directory in Windows format, for example, \\windows\reports. Make sure the PACE server and Application server both have read and write access to the selected location. There must be a PACE server or Application server running on the platform where the reports are stored.

  • Directory Rule. Defines the directory where the report files are stored. The directory is created on the server when the report is saved. You can use more than one directory rule to create multiple directory levels. For example, if the directory rule is set to Standard PACE Report Type, a directory below the root directory is created for each report type, such as Position, Security and Trades. Other options, such as report effective date, create the underlying directory based on effective date of the report. If the Directory Rule does not apply, the directory Unknown is created in the root directory. For example, if the directory rule contains Client ID, but Client ID is not part of the report, the Unknown directory is created.

  • File Rule. Defines the name of the report files. The report files are created when the report is saved. You can use more than one file rule to create the report name. If you select multiple file rules, the file name starts with the first rule. All preceding rules are added to the name. If you select Report Name as the file rule, the name of the report rule is used. To make each file name unique, the schedule queue instance from the PACE_MASTERDBO.SCHEDULE_QUEUE table is appended to the end of the file rule. If the File Rule does not apply, the file Unknown is created. For example, if the file rule contains Client ID, but Client ID is not part of the report, the Unknown file is created.

Create a Custom Archive Rule

You create a custom archive rule in the Custom Archive Rule window. Complete the following procedure to create a custom archive rule:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

  2. Enter Custom Archive Rules in the Start Search text box.

  3. Click the Custom Archive Rules (System Management Center) link to access Custom Archive Rules.
    You see the Custom Archives Rule window.

  4. Select and click the Default rule.
    You see the Edit Archive Rule dialog box.

  5. Complete the options on the Edit Archive Rule dialog box:

  6. Click Save and then Close.

Associate Custom Archive Rules with Business Groups

  1. Complete the following procedure to associate Custom Archive Rules with business groups.

  2. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

  3. Enter User Manager in the Start Search text box.

  4. Click the User Manager (System Management Center) link to access Custom Archive Rules
    You see the Custom Archives Rule window.

  5. Double-click an existing business group, or click Add a New Group to create a new one.
    You see the Adding a New Business Group dialog box.

  6. Click the Custom Archive Rules folder in the Adding a New Business Group dialog box, and click Add.
    You see the Add Custom Archive Rules to Group dialog box.

  7. Add Custom Archive Rules to Group

    If no archive rules appear, run a query to search. Double click the archive rules you want to use in the Business Group. The selected archive rules appear in the lower part of the dialog box. Click OK to save your changes.
    The selected Custom Archive Rules are now associated with the current business group.

Custom Archive Rules Window

Custom archive rules are available in the Custom Archive Rules window. To open Custom Archive Rules, from any Eagle window click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator. Enter Custom Archive Rules in the Start Search text box. Click the Custom Archive Rules (System Management Center) link to access Custom Archive Rules. You see the Custom Archive Rules window.

Date Formatting Fields

Custom Archive Rules include options for date formatting. The Report Effective Date and Run Date values have options for their Month portion. Both values have Short, Long, and Standard Month value formatting.

Standard Month yields a numeric month value. Short Month yields a three alphabetic character month value, such as JAN for January, and Long Month yields the full-length character value for the month.

Standard Value

Short Month Value

Long Month Value





































These Month format options are available on the Edit Archive Rule dialog box.

Edit Archive Rule Dialog Box

Publish Custom Archive Rules

You can publish Custom Archive Rules to specific business groups in the Eagle database if PACE is configured to store Custom Archive Rules by business group through System Item #78.

Use the Publish/Restrict link on the Edit Archive Rule dialog box to directly publish Custom Archive Rules to business groups. When you click this link, you can see which business groups already have access to the current archive rule. This set of business groups is listed in the Selected window

Complete the following procedure to publish the current custom archive rule to additional business groups, or to restrict the current custom archive rule from one or more business groups.

  1. Click the ellipses button next to the Selected window.
    You see the Business Groups dialog box.

  2. Select the check box next to the business group to publish the archive rule to that business group. If the archive rule is already published, the check box next to that business group is selected. Deselect the check box to restrict the current custom archive rule from that business group.

  3. Click OK to save your changes.

Maintain Custom Archive Rules

When using Custom Archive Rule Maintenance, if a custom archive rule is edited and all of the items in either the file rule or folder rule are removed before replacement items are added, you can save the archive rule.