Date Rules

Date Rules

Date rules define the dates used in a report. They specify a date range that offsets the effective date of the server that processes the report. The date range consists of a start date and an end date. Some reports only use one of the dates in the date rule, but some reports, such as the multi period or range reports, use both dates. The date rule works by tracking an effective date and applying two offsets to that date. The first offset is used for the start date, and the second is used for the end date.

Internal Date Rules

PACE provides the following internal date rules that are installed with the software:

  • Current Date. Uses the most recent date in the system for each individual entity in the report. If this rule is applied to a report that requires two dates, the current date becomes the start date and the end date for the report.

  • Current Date-recent for all entities. Calculates the most recent date in the system across all entities, and then uses that date as the effective date for each entity. If this rule is applied to a report that requires two dates, the current date becomes the start date and the end date for the report. In this scenario, the same data is always used across entities.

  • Previous Date. Uses the prior most recent date in the system for each individual entity in the report. If this rule is applied to a report that requires two dates, the previous date becomes the start date and the end date for the report.

  • Previous Date-recent for all entities. Calculates the prior most recent date in the system across all entities, and then uses that date as the effective date for each entity. If this rule is applied to a report that requires two dates, the date becomes the start date and the end date for the report. In this scenario, the same data is always used across entities.

  • Current Month. Uses the first and last days of the current month based on the server’s system date and applies those dates to each entity. If the report to which this rule is applied only requires one date to run, the end date is used as the effective date.

  • Today. Uses today’s date as the effective date for each entity in the report. If this rule is applied to a report that requires two dates, today’s date becomes the start date and the end date for the report.

  • Yesterday. Uses yesterday’s date as the effective date for each entity in the report. If this rule is applied to a report that requires two dates, yesterday’s date becomes the start date and the end date for the report.

  • Previous Month. Uses the first and last days of the prior month based on the server’s system date and applies those dates to each entity. If the report only requires one date to run, the end date is used as the effective date.

  • Asof/Between. Allows you to enter a specific effective date or range of effective dates depending on if you are creating a single or multi period report.

  • From the Date Rule. Allows you to choose from a list of user-defined date rules.

The following table summarizes the internal date rules.

Internal Date Rule



2 Quarters Back

Previous quarter – 1 quarter.

Today = 1/21/12

Report = 7/1/11 – 9/30/11

3 Quarters Back

Previous quarter – 2 quarters.

Today = 1/21/12

Report = 4/1/11 – 6/30/11

4 Quarters Back

Previous quarter – 3 quarters.

Today = 1/21/12

Report = 1/1/11 – 3/31/11

Annual – 1 Year Ago

Annual (2-10 Years Ago)

Previous calendar year (January 1st through December 31st) based on N years ago.

Today = 1/21/12

Report = 1/1/11 – 12/31/11 (1 Year)

Report = 1/1/97 – 12/31/97 (5 Years)

Report = 1/1/92 – 12/31/92 (10 Years)

Current Date

Maximum effective date for which data is available for EACH entity (max effective date is specific to each individual entity).

Today = 1/21/12

Fund A data = 1/17/12, 1/16/12

Fund B data = 1/15/12, 1/11/12

Report: Fund A = 1/17, Fund B = 1/15

Current Date – recent for all portfolios

Maximum effective date for which data is available for ALL entities.

Today = 1/21/12

Fund A data = 1/17/12, 1/16/12

Fund B data = 1/15/12, 1/11/12

Report: Fund A = 1/17, Fund B = N/A

Current Month

Beginning of current month through current month-end.

Today = 1/21/12

Report = 1/1/12—1/31/12

Current Month-to-Date

Beginning of current month through current day.

Today = 1/21/12

Report = 1/1/12—1/21/12

Current Year-to-Date

Beginning of current year through current day.

Today = 6/2/12

Report = 1/1/12—6/2/12

Previous Date

Maximum effective date prior to Current Date for which data is available for EACH entity (max effective date is specific to each individual entity).

Today = 1/21/12

Fund A data = 1/17/12,1/16/12

Fund B data = 1/15/12, 1/11/12

Report: Fund A = 1/16, Fund B = 1/11

Previous Date – recent for all portfolios

Maximum effective date prior to Current Date for which data is available for ALL entities.

Today = 1/21/12

Fund A data = 1/17/12, 1/16/12

Fund B data = 1/15/12, 1/11/12

Report: Fund A = 1/16, Fund B = N/A

Previous Month

Last full month prior to current month.

Today = 1/21/12

Report = 12/1/11v12/31/11

Prior Month

Same as Previous Month

Today = 11/21/12

Report = 10/1/11—10/31/11

Prior Quarter

Beginning of previous quarter through previous quarter-end.

Today = 1/21/12

Report = 10/1/11—12/31/11


Beginning of current quarter through current day.

Today = 5/12/12

Report = 4/1/12—5/12/12

Since Inception

Beginning from the first day of the Portfolio inception.

Today = 1/21/12

Portfolio inception date = Null

Report = 1/21/12

Change portfolio inception = 12/26/11

Report = 1/21/12


Current day

Today = 1/21/12

Report = 1/21/12


Day before today

Today = 1/21/12

Report = 1/20/12

Create Date Rules

You can build your own date rules with user defined date rules. You create user-defined date rules in the workspace of a report, or in the Components tab of Build Components mode. Complete the following procedure to create a user defined date rule in Build Components mode.

  1. From the Components tab, open the Date Rules folder.

  2. Click New.
    You see the New Date Rule dialog box.

    Edit Date Rule Dialog Box
  3. Complete the options on the New Date Rule dialog box.

  4. Click OK to save your changes.

  5. Click Test Date to verify the Date Rule.
    You see the Testing the Date Rule dialog box. This dialog box displays the data entered before the date rule is completed. If the information is not correct, you can modify the parameters.

    Testing the Date Rule Dialog Box
  6. Click OK to create the date rule.

Date Rule Example

The Previous Month Rule is an example of a date rule. This rule allows you to always run a report using start and end effective days from the previous month. If today is May 28, and you run a range report using this rule, the effective dates used are April 1st as the start date, and April 30th as the end date.

Example 1 Date Rule

Offset by adjusts the report’s input date. Numeric values of the offset can be either positive or negative. The numeric value is applied to one of the following, selected by the user: days, weeks, months, quarters, or years. Positive numeric values increase the input date, and negative values decrease the date.

Offset by

Input Date

Resulting Date

2 Days



-1 Week



2 Months



Example 2 Date Rule

Adjust to adjusts the input date or the date calculated by the Offset by option. Values for this option are: (None), Week Start, Week End, Month Start, Month End, Calendar Year Start, Calendar Year End, Fiscal Year Start, or Fiscal Year End.

Adjust to

Input Date or Calculated Date

Resulting Date

Week Start



Week End



Month Start



Calendar Year End



Example 3 Date Rule

Additional offset by adjusts the input date, the date calculated by the Offset by, or the calculated date by Adjust to, depending on what was selected as options in the date rule.

Additional offset can be either positive or negative. The numeric value are applied to one of the following, selected by the user: days, weeks, months, quarters, or years. Positive numeric values increase the input date, and negative values decrease the date.

Additional Offset By

Input Date or Calculated Date from Previous Options

Resulting Date

3 Days



-1 Weeks



3 Months



Business Calendar options are affected by the Business Calendar only if the check box Using Business Calendar is selected.

Adjust Dates for Daylight Savings Time

The business calendar in Oracle can reflect daylight savings time for all calendar months and years.

Use Date Rules in Reports

Use the date rules you created to define the effective dates used in a report. Complete the following procedure to use date rules in reports.

In Build Components Mode, double-click a report on the Report tab. In Build Report Mode, select Choose Entities and Dates for this report from the workspace.

Example Report With Date Rule Option

The date period is set to the Current Date Rule by default. Select the Current Date link.

A list of other date options appears. Most of the options are internal date rules: Current Date, Current Date – recent for all entities, Previous Date, Previous Date – recent for all entities, Current Month, Today, Yesterday, or Previous Month. To select from a list of user-defined date rules or create a new date rule, select From the Date Rule. You see a list of date rules.

Specifying Dates from the Date Rule