Change the Logo for PDF Export

Change the Logo for PDF Export

You may want to change the company logo printed on the PDF.

To change the logo for PDF export:

  1. On the Portal Webserver, locate the Config folder:
    (ex: \eglswnvm346\d$\Program Files (x86)\Eagle Investment Systems\Portal NxG\Web\Config)

  2. Locate the PDF XML in the Config file.
    You see the ImagePath for the company logo:
    <header enabled=”true” fontName=”Arial Unicode MS” fontSize=”10” backgroundImagePath=”” ImagePath=”~/App_Themes/Default/Images/company_logo.png” bold=”true” underline=”true” ForeColor=”#468eb5*/>

  3. Locate the path where the company logo is located, for example:
    \\eglswnvm346\d$\Program Files (x86)\Eagle Investment Systems\Portal NxG\Web\App_Themes\Default\Images
    There are two images located in the path. One is the company logo, which is used for the pdf export. The other is called logo, and is used for the Eagle Portal.

  4. For PDF export, replace the Company_logo file with the image of your choice

The pdf logo (company_logo) and the Portal logo may be the same. The reference to the logo in the PDF file, the reference in the site.css, and the reference in app_themes may be the same or different, depending on which logo you decide to reference.