Portal Query Results - Reduce Row Height

Portal Query Results - Reduce Row Height

You can maximize the number of records visible on a page by decreasing the record height. To reduce Portal Query Result row heights, locate the Grid.cs file (<portal install>/web/App_Themes/Default/Grid.css) and make the following edits to change the default cell height from 25 to 20 points. First, complete the following change in row 22:

dxgvEditFormDisplayRow_Portal td.dxgv, .dxgvDataRow_Portal td.dxgv, .dxgvDataRowAlt_Portal td.dxgv, .dxgvSelectedRow_Portal td.dxgv, .dxgvFocusedRow_Portal td.dxgv {                 overflow: hidden;                            border-bottom:1px dotted #999999;                      border-right: 0;                 border-top: 0;                 border-left: 0; height:20px; padding: 0px 7px; }

Next, complete the following change as shown in row 5:

TD .dxgv { font-family:"Segoe UI", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; height:20px; color:Black;    }