Portal Query Results – Adjust Column Width

Portal Query Results – Adjust Column Width

The following examples describe how to adjust the column width. You need Administrator rights to set this option on the web server. The settings are located in the queries.config file in the Config folder. You can size column width using these settings:

  • Header Only. Columns automatically adjust to the size of the column header.

  • Data Only. Columns automatically adjust to the size of the column data.

  • Header and Data. Columns automatically adjust to the size of whichever is larger, the header or the date, up to the maximum allowed size of the column.

You can also set the default size, maximum column width, and total number of rows to analyze. The total number of rows to analyze only takes into account the number you select.

The following example shows how you can adjust the Header and data. Use the following settings to view the results as displayed in the following example.

<settings UseBestFit="false" DefaultWidth="100" MaxColumnWidth="100" MaxRowsToScan="100" Mode="HeaderAndData">

Results with Header and Data columns adjusted

Use the following settings to view the results as displayed in the following example.

 <settings UseBestFit="false" DefaultWidth="100" MaxColumnWidth="250" MaxRowsToScan="100" Mode="HeaderAndData">

Header and Data example

Use the following settings to view the results as displayed in Figure 6: Header and Data Example 3.

<settings UseBestFit="false" DefaultWidth="100" MaxColumnWidth="250" MaxRowsToScan="1" Mode="HeaderAndData">

Header and Data Example

The following example show how you can adjust the fixed width. Use the following settings to view the results as displayed in the following example.

  <settings UseBestFit="false" DefaultWidth="100" MaxColumnWidth="250" MaxRowsToScan="1" Mode="Fixed Width">

Fixed Width Example

Use the following settings to view the results as displayed in the following example.

<settings UseBestFit="false" DefaultWidth="100" MaxColumnWidth="250" MaxRowsToScan="100" Mode="FixedWidth">

Fixed Width Example

Use the following settings to view the results as displayed in the following example.

<settings UseBestFit="false" DefaultWidth="500" MaxColumnWidth="250" MaxRowsToScan="100" Mode="FixedWidth">

Fixed Width Example

Use the following settings to view the results as displayed in the following example.

<settings UseBestFit="false" DefaultWidth="500" MaxColumnWidth="250" MaxRowsToScan="100" Mode="HeaderOnly">

Header example